Reader’s Pictures (Part 1)

February 20, 2012

It’s time for Reader’s Pictures!  The ones posted today are the first ones that came in; the rest will be featured next Tuesday.   Also, tonight I will put all the picture submitter’s names in a hat and Sarah will choose a winner whom we’ll announce tomorrow.  The winner of the drawing will receive a set of my my photo cards.

Let’s get started with the first set of submissions.  It has been great fun seeing where you live and reading what you love about those places.  Thanks to everyone who has sent something in.

 From Gail in Kingsport, TN

Taken from my front porch during the Christmas of 2010, with lots and lots of snow.    I think there is nothing more beautiful than pictures taken in the snow.

Winter 2010 - Mother's church

At Douglas Lake in Dandridge, TN where we have a camper and spend most of the summer.   Very peaceful and I love being on the water.  We have had a camper there for over 20 years and the campground folks are like family.Silo Nina Branch - 7-8-06


From Heidi in North Dakota

Here are pictures from North Dakota during a typical winter (unlike this year where we have no snow.)

winter church

winter tree

A typical summer day!



From Trine in Denmark

I love your picture idea. Here is a picture of my town in snow. My town is from the  1700s and is named after Frederik 6.   Denmark does not often have snow but in the last winter we had a lot of snow.  Last winter we could not even get out.  We are around 20,000 in the town. It is cozy, but it is also a very sleepy town.


I live in the main street (centre of the town) so you always walk near the channel. I can view the channel outside from the balcony.


The church.   I live five minutes away.


From Erin in Nova Scotia

I love being outdoors among God’s creation!

This is a view of Wolfville, Nova Scotia.  It is a university town (Acadia University /Acadia Divinity College.  I’m attending the div college).  Beautiful view.  I love travelling to school on this road because of the awesome view.  I wish I could capture it so much better.  Seeing this view before class and after class calms me down and reminds me of God’s amazing creativity and his love for his creation.


A picture of the same as the above mentioned picture but more of a close up.


This was after our first snow storm.   I loved the tree line and the white of the snow.  This picture was taken beside my house.  There is a beautiful view out my front window, but I can’t capture it well enough to be picture worthy for a blog post!snow

It’s great to be a part of the blogging community with you!  Visit my blog at Jackman’s Journey


From Cindy in Maryland

Here is a picture of our home in Maryland . . . not quite as beautiful as the OBX (our favorite vacation spot) but a wonderful place we call home.



From Melissa in Sebring, FL

I’ve included a couple photos showing the uniqueness and beauty of central Florida, where I live.

The first is Cypress Gardens, a few minutes north of me in Winter Haven, one of the oldest parks in the state. It’s now open as Legoland, but they kept the gardens. My husband and I were married here.


The second pic, while not necessarily beautiful, shows a very frequent sight in lakes around here! At least it’s unique to the area! This gator was spotted in Palmdale, just south of us.



Thanks to everyone who participated; I have really loved this!  And be sure to leave some comments on the pictures you saw today!

Winner of the drawing announced tomorrow; more picture next Tuesday.

I hear my pillow calling my name . . .

15 comments so far.

15 responses to “Reader’s Pictures (Part 1)”

  1. Guerrina says:

    Oh! After seeing these pics, I’m not sure where I want to visit first! All beautiful!

  2. Ann Martin says:

    The pictures are lovely. I, too, am sorry I didn’t get one in but I was trying to think of a current site and right now it not a “beautiful” time in our area. I have been dealing with Mama’s falling and doctor visits, too. We do have flowers blooming even though we had our only “snow” (a dusting) Sunday night. Still chance for some more according to Raleigh weather. Looking forward to the rest of the pictures. Hope you feel better soon, Becky.

  3. Liz W says:

    I agree about wanting to live in Denmark! Trine, not sure where your home is, but I have an oil painting from Lyngby with the beautiful yellow houses. My Danish cousin lives in a 400 year old thatched roof cottage that takes my breath away each time we visit.
    Wish I had sent in a photo of our beautiful MN but was dealing with Alzheimer’s issues with my mother at the time of the photo request.

  4. Anna says:

    Gail, I grew up just down the road from you in Bristol, but on the VA side. I know Douglas Lake very well as I now live in Knoxville. This is such a wonderful idea. I love seeing all of the different places.

  5. brooke r. says:

    Oh Gail, from Kingsport. Your pictures make me a bit homesick for my first home in the Appalachians. I grew up in Blacksburg, Va and whitewater kayaked all over the southeast – West Va – Georgia, and then across the Mason-Dixon line in Maryland and Pennsylvania. Some of the blood that pumps through my heart is actually water from the New River. :). Thank you for those and for reminding me how beautiful my first home is, and always will be.

    Brooke, whose home is now Eugene, Ore., but who is currently residing in Logan, UT as I finish my PhD.

  6. Mary H says:

    This was great fun – I want to live in Denmark or Nova Scotia – not that everyone’s “home” is not beautiful, other countries intrigue me and I am certain photos will only be the way I will be able to experience them – but, that is not a bad thing, at all! I may try to get a photo from my daughter of our “home” – St. Louis, Missouri – the the heart of the great Midwest.

    • Becky says:


      I’m with you on the foreign country thing; I would love to go visit some of those wondrously, beautiful places! But in the absence of a trip, at least we can see them on our computers!

      • brooke r. says:

        Becky – I just made plane reservations to visit my friend M at her home in Amman, Jordan. I met M when she came here as a part of a program for international teachers. Also, being that I’ll be SO close to the Holy Land I will be going *back*.. (yeah!). One place I’ll be visiting is the home of both M’s father *and* the birth place of John the Baptist! How fortunate, and maybe Nathan didn’t go there? I will take lots of pictures of Amman and the other places in Jordan I go, as well as more Holy Land pics for you :). And, I’ll put a prayer in the Western Wall that one day you too will get to visit that miraculous place! Oh, and of course a prayer that yours and Sarah’s remissions stay that way FOREVER.

        • Becky says:


          What an amazing trip you have planned. Enjoy every single moment.

          • brooke r. says:

            I will enjoy most moments. Going through Israeli checkpoints won’t be very fun, but being back there and cuddling my friend’s (soon to be) new (25 March) baby and hearing her parents’ stories of their Palestine home, their Hajj, and then walking where He walked again will make up for any pesky Israeli check points!! 🙂

  7. Jenna Hoff says:

    This is a lot of fun! I really enjoyed looking at the photos and reading about new places.

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