Raleigh to NYC to Tel Aviv

November 6, 2017

This is Steve, my fabulous husband. (And who is extra handsome in a hand-tied bow tie, might I add.)

I took this photo in church yesterday morning, right after he made a very special, very happy announcement.

And just what is that announcement?  (Just to set your minds at ease, no we are NOT pregnant!)  The announcement is that he and I will be traveling to Israel the last week of January. Woo-hoo!

When I look at the word,”Tel Aviv” in the title of this post, my heart skips a beat.  It seems surreal to think we will actually be flying to that great and ancient city.

This trip was a surprise gift to us and we are overwhelmed by the generosity that made it possible. We will be traveling with a group of pastoral couples so it will be enjoyable to hang out with colleagues in ministry who we can relate to on so many levels.

When we told our band members/singers about it yesterday before rehearsal, I was touched when they spontaneously began to clap and cheer, sharing in our joy and excitement. The congregation responded much the same way when Steve announced it in the service.  The Bible says to rejoice with those who rejoice and the people in our wonderful church certainly have that attribute that down to a tee.

Some of the places we will visit are Bethlehem, Jerusalem, Nazareth, Sea of Galilee, Mt. of Olives, Gethsemane, Western Wall, Temple Mount, Garden Tomb, Via Dolorosa,Herod’s Antonio Fortress,  and Holocaust Memorial.  I am definitely need to find a great pair of walking shoes.

You will, of course, be hearing more about this trip in the weeks to come but I just wanted to share the news with you now so that you could anticipate it with us.  As always, I am interested in travel tips, especially when going to another country. I’ve only been to Canada, Jamaica and Mexico so travel to such a far away locale  (while always on my Bucket List) is something for which I have no frame of reference. Feel free to leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments.

Some of you long time readers may remember that Nathan lived in Jerusalem for eight weeks when he was in college; he absolutely loved the experience and found it to be life-changing.  Since I don’t have any Israel pictures of my own to share (yet!), I will share a few photos from his trip. (Some were taken by Nathan and some of them by a talented student/photographer, Myles Shank.)



In other news . . .

THIS is currently happening at our house.

Yep.  It’s the annual Smith Home Improvement Project. In this case, the project is to paint the living room, dining room, hallway and stairway.  The downstairs was in desperate need of paint when we moved in eight years ago and the passing of time has done nothing to assuage its aesthetic shortcomings. 

So this is the week we have chosen to bring a painter in.  We made sure to schedule it well before Thanksgiving so we can get everything back into place before hosting the Dare Challenge guys for dinner.  This is the post from last year’s dinner. It shows some of the painting mess we were dealing with right before the big day.

So that’s your Smith Scoop for the day. Happy Monday!

What about you? Where have your travels taken you? What is your favorite place to be–apart from your own home?

60 comments so far.

60 responses to “Raleigh to NYC to Tel Aviv”

  1. Kari says:

    I’m so happy for you and Steve to be able to go on such a wonderful trip! I remember when Nathan went and the photos and info you posted. Such an interesting place and so different from here in the states. I’m looking forward to your photos and posts!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it’s been fun to look at Nathan’s photos of his trip and see them through different eyes, knowing we will be seeing many of those same things.

      Can’t wait to start shooting pictures when I get there!

  2. Tobi says:

    Becky – How exciting for you!

    I have travelled for work for the past decade, and it is always a wonderful adventure, even when things don’t go exactly as planned.

    My first advice is to not overpack. For clothing, pack separates (of a single color palette) that can layer and that coordinate with each other. Every piece should serve multiple purposes. Pack some long sleeves, long skirts and scarves, in case you need to cover limbs and your head in churches and temples. Don’t worry about repeating outfits…Instead, focus on things that are comfortable and more importantly: washable. I have hand washed things in the sink using hotel shampoo, wrung them in a towel and had them dry the next day, none the worse for wear. Lay out what you think you need, and then put half of it back in the closet.

    Next advice, is to get some of these bags: https://www.amazon.com/Samsonite-Luggage-Piece-Compression-Clear/dp/B00BBJJ1I6/ref=sr_1_11?ie=UTF8&qid=1510103018&sr=8-11&keywords=compression+bags+for+travel

    I pack all my clothing into compression bags when I travel. It helps me stay organized, keeps my suitcase organized if the TSA searches it at the airport, and keeps clothing clean and dry if my suitcase gets wet on the tarmac. And as an extra bonus, my clothes don’t smell like airplane when I arrive at my destination.

    Take the minimum of toiletries that you think you need. If you run out, you have the opportunity to go to a local grocery store or pharmacy during your travels. One of my favorite things to do when traveling is to go to local grocery store. That’s where you get to meet people and have a better feeling for how people live in the place that you’re visiting.

    Also get one of these: https://www.amazon.com/Travelon-Worldwide-Adapter-Charger-Green/dp/B06XBHQN3D/ref=sr_1_2?s=apparel&ie=UTF8&qid=1510103433&sr=1-2&nodeID=7141123011&psd=1&keywords=travel+plug

    Pack your chargers and cords for your devices – You’ll want to charge your phone and camera, etc.

    My final advice is to consider a backpack as a carryon. Having the option to be hands-free is useful when traveling, especially if you want to take photos, or not set things on a floor in the restroom. It may not be the most fashionable of carryons, but very useful.

    Most importantly, enjoy!!

    • Becky says:


      How wonderful that you have gotten to travel so much; what a great job perk. And what a great collection of helpfulness you have shared from your experience.

      I actually have a few compression bags but haven’t used them much. I need to pull them back out and experiment with them. It was helpful having the link for the adapter/charger. I definitely need to put that on my list.

      I will be referring back to your comment to refresh my memory as the trip gets closer. Thanks again for taking the time to share your expertise!

  3. Melissa says:

    Ooh, I LOVE to travel! Have never been to the Middle East, most of my travel has been confined to Europe and Canada. I like off-beat, unusual places; went to Chernobyl in 2012 and loved it. I’m currently planning a trip to Easter Island for early 2019,for no other reason than the fact that there is nothing even remotely close to it when you view it on Google Earth! I agree with the advice to use a small cross body bag or mini purse. It gets tiring lugging a full size purse especially if doing a lot of walking, and it’ll leave your hands free. And resist the urge to overpack. I usually find that I don’t need half the clothes I pack!

    • Becky says:


      I love your reason for visiting Easter Island. 🙂

      I actually had to Google it when you mentioned it because I had no earthly clue where it was or what kind of things were there. I had no idea there were 900 stone figures there. I learn something every day from you readers!

      I am definitely going to be looking for a small, cross body bag; free hands is definitely something I am interested in.

      Happy travels to you!

  4. Wendy says:

    Oh my goodness, How exciting for you both to go to the Land of Jesus! To walk where HE walked. Amazing gift for you. I’ve never left the country here and not so sure I ever want to, but so happy for those that do 🙂 I also look forward to the pictures you will share with us.
    On to the painting front, It will be so nice to have that done, and you not having to do it yourselves. I took my vacation in August and painted and painted and painted some more, I don’t want that kind of vacation again, but I was happy to have it all done. Looking forward also to the Dare Thanksgiving meal pictures and write-up. Again, Congrats on the amazing trip. Wendy

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I agree that spending a vacation painting is not a load of fun but, as you said, it sure is a nice reward to have the job done and get to enjoy how nice it looks.

      We are looking forward to the Dare guys coming over again, too. It is such an honor to serve these men who are working so hard to get their lives back on track.

  5. Guerrina says:

    I am so excited for you and Steve! I remember when Nathan went and recognized the photos. I have little travel experience so no nuggets of advice, but I always thought if I was able to visit Israel I’d better be sure to have tissues as I know me and the tears would fall. I can’t wait to hear and see all about it when you return!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it was fun to look back through Nathan’s photo with news eyes, knowing I would be seeing some of those very things.

  6. Wendy says:

    What an adventure!!!

    Just have a care with the refillable water bottle idea. Great for the environment, but only if you have access to good wash-up facilities and potable water, otherwise it’ll be fresh, sealed disposables to keep yourselves healthy.

    Pack a basic first aid kit.

    We use Dropbox to store copies of our passports, insurance documents, drivers licences and any emergency phone numbers – accessible in most parts of the world if needed. A friend of mine was sleeping on a bus whilst travelling through Thailand, the bus caught fire in the middle of the night and whilst everyone was successfully evacuated she lost all of her luggage except her passport and $50 (in a pouch). It can happen.

    My parents travel extensively & frequently, they leave an up-to-date paper ‘file’ with everything pertaining to their lives with me (sealed) before they travel. It contains copies of their passports, their attorney contact information, up to date wills, pensions info, bank account details, saving accounts, where items might be hidden about the house, their contacts (that I might not know of being all growed up now :-)), their travel itinery including all their hotels & flight information, where the dog is kennelled, the phone numbers of the consulates in the country they are visiting, even where they parked the car at the airport! Everything I would need to disentangle things quickly and efficiently (in one place) were something to go wrong whilst they are away. I’ve not needed ‘The File’ in over 20 years but it is always there just in case and provides all information that I would need if something went wrong and I needed to intervene from home for some reason.

    Make sure your insurance covers the part of the world you intend to travel in and make sure it includes full repatriation home. Lots of our UK policies have exclusions around the middle east the moment.

    A very boring list that hopefully will never be needed but as an old Army friend says…remember the 5 P’s – Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance!!! Can’t you just hear that being sharply enunciated by someone in uniform with a clipped British accent 🙂

    and…I look forward to reading about your most wonderful of times!

    • Good point about “the file.” We also have one of those, and our daughter knows where it is and how to get to it. It’s accompanied by five $100-bills just in case she needs immediate cash (to pay the locksmith who will be needed to break into our safe).

    • Becky says:


      I had to smile at the thought of the uniform and the clipped British accent. But those 5 P’s are definitely worth remembering.

      Thanks for the good advice about the practicalities of travel; documents in Dropbox, double checking insurance, etc. It’s true that chances are The File won’t be needed but what peace of mind it provides to everyone involved just in case. Your comment is another one we will be revisiting in weeks to come.

      Thank you for taking the time to write it all out. Very helpful!

  7. Mel says:

    I am so happy that you and Steve received such an amazing gift. I have only been to Jamaica and of course I travel regularly to your beautiful country also but as far as tips, I have nothing. 🙂 We pay $120.00 for our passports also but they are good for 10 years so for me it is definitely worth the initial output of money. As soon as I saw the pictures I thought oh no, they are doing it again just before Thanksgiving. Glad to see you are bringing in a painter. That should ease some of the stress, particularly with your up coming trip. Even though it is the end of January, it will be here before you know it. Can’t wait for your Thanksgiving post with your Dear Dare guests. I always look forward to it.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, we were a little surprised that passports cost so much but, as you said, they are good for a long time and it’s a wonderful investment that pays off in a great adventure.

      Right now, we are waiting for our official birth certificates to arrive from our home states; the certificates we had on hand were not sufficient.

  8. Michele says:

    That is awesome! Trip of a lifetime!

  9. Ann Draper Martin says:

    So happy you and Steve are getting to make the trip. I know you can make the clothes work by switching pieces to make different outfits. Do you have your passport? Will be excited to hear more about plans and then see pictures and hear the memories.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, I am definitely going to be working out a plan to take the least amount of clothing that I can the most use of. We are in the process of getting our passport right now.

  10. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Barnstormer really gave you great advice. I am so excited for you. That is one place I have wanted to go, but have a feeling it will never come. We do travel, and upteen years ago we were able to go to Jamaica (didn’t need a passport then). We have been to Aruba 2 times where the temp. is ALWAYS in the 80’s (which I love). We do the majority of our travels in the U.S. So glad that folks are giving you this opportunity – it is something that some folks get to do once in a lifetime. To walk where Jesus walked – how exciting. So glad you are able to get your house painted. We’ve lived here for 13 years and it is still the pale beige color it wass when we moved in. A different color is definitely needed.

    • Becky says:


      The process of painting is definitely not much fun; I am sitting in a room surrounded by curtains and chairs and “stuff” from the living room. But a few few days of chaos traded for many days and years of loveliness is worth it.

      We have a couple in our church who are in Aruba right now for their 50th anniversary. How lovely you’ve gotten to go twice!

  11. Linda in Pgh says:

    So happy for you and Steve! What a wonderful gift. To actually walk the streets that Jesus walked – literally following in His footsteps, amazing. May you enjoy God’s blessings as travel the roads He traveled. I will be eagerly awaiting photos.
    Linda in Pittsburgh

  12. Cindy from Sonoma says:

    So happy for the two of you, no tips as I have only traveled to Canada, Australia, and Mexico years ago!

    • Becky says:

      Thank you, Cindy! Sounds like you have had some interesting travels in your life, too. I’ve always thought Australia would be a fascinating place to visit.

  13. Reagan says:

    What a fabulous trip! I purchased Sketchers “go walk” shoes before I went to Israel several years ago and they were the best! I wouldn’t recommend them the day you go to En Gedi (tennis shoes were much more useful that day), but those were the only pairs of shoes I took with me.

    • Becky says:


      I’m curious as to why you thought tennis shoes would have been better for you at En Gedi than the Sketchers. Trying to learn the ins and outs of the best walking shoes.

      • Reagan says:

        I recommended tennis shoes on the En Gedi day as we seemed to be doing more “hiking” (definitely more hills than any other day). I think that was recommended by the company that coordinated our group. This day was definitely the warmest of the ones we were there as well. This was also the day we went to the Dead Sea, so you’ll want waterproof sandals for that portion.

        I also second the suggestion to get a good cross body bag – Baggalini makes purses that are wonderful because they are very light-weight, and they usually have a lot of different zippered pockets so you can keep things straight. Look for them at TJMaxx or Marshall’s – they’re rather expensive if you find them in other stores.

        • Becky says:


          After reading your comment, I made a mental note to keep my eyes out for Baggalini, a new brand to me.

          Dropped in at a shoe store yesterday briefly to look at walking shoes and saw some Baggalinis in stock. I was able to look at the different styles and get familiar with some of the features. I checked online and there a lot of them available used so that’s probably the route I will go. Thanks for the good tip!

  14. Jim Martin says:

    I know that I do not even have to comment on this. Take plenty of pictures and description of what they are of as well as any stories that you have on your adventure. Stay safe and healthy and watch that water drinking over there. Wish I could go with you.

    • Becky says:


      I’m glad you DID comment. It’s always a happy occasion to see your name pop up here. 🙂

      And you know I will get plenty of pictures; that way you can enjoy the trip along with us.

  15. OOOOOOOOOOOooooooohhhhhhh!!!!!! I am SO excited for you! YAYYYY!


    1. Make a copy of your passport info page (and also take a photo of it so it’s on your phone), just in case. You’ll probably keep it with you at all times (and you should – never leave it in your hotel room, even in a safe). I have a slim black passport/money pouch that I wear around my neck, under my clothing. Like this: https://www.amazon.com/Venture-Travel-Pouch-Wallet-Blocking/dp/B010LVBVKA

    2. Get a decent-sized cross-body bag to use as a purse. Make sure it zips, and keep it zipped. Tell Steve to put his wallet in his FRONT pants pocket – not the back pocket. (Mike never puts his wallet in his back pocket, because it’s so easy to have that pocket picked.)

    3. Plan your wardrobe down to the nitty-gritty. Search “capsule travel wardrobe” and your typical outfit colors. You’ll find lots of options for mixing/matching. Plan to wear stuff more than once, because it’s unlikely you’ll get dirty. 🙂 I take old pajamas and throw them away at my destination to “buy” space in my suitcases, since I never check a bag. https://www.google.com/search?q=travel+capsule+wardrobe+browns&tbm=isch&source=iu&pf=m&ictx=1&fir=TwsCVKp_2c0_7M%253A%252CXvnOdM7htzfoWM%252C_&usg=__smWT62Iha1jjSxpKfdv8WgZx3Rg%3D&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjb-JqAwarXAhUL5IMKHXEVAI4Q9QEILDAB#imgrc=_

    4. Take only two pairs of shoes. You really don’t need any more than that. I always travel in boots (especially in spring/winter/fall) because they take up the most room in a suitcase AND because they’re ideal for warmth. I generally take a pair of go-with-everything flats or solid black tennashoes. My wardrobe is heavy on blacks/greys/blues/reds, so adjust your color accordingly. Don’t wear white tennashoes – you’ll really stand out as an American. lol

    5. Wall adapters and voltage converters are a good thing, unless you have a dual-voltage straightener/curling iron/hair dryer. If you have an iPhone, you only need a plug converter.

    6. This should probably be first on your list: set up your overseas data package with cell phone carrier. We pay $10/day/phone and you just use whatever data is already in your plan. Otherwise, you’ll get socked with a (potentially) 5-figure bill.

    I can’t WAIT to see your photos and hear your stories! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Thanks so much for your GREAT advice. I will definitely be referring back to your comment often in the weeks leading up to the trip.

      Steve and I had just been talking about cell phone coverage over there; it’s interesting that there is a fairly reasonable plan availabe.

      Again, thanks for sharing so much of your knowledge with us. It will be a big help.

  16. Liz W says:

    What a wonderful trip! Hope you have your passports already – who knows how long it takes to get them new or renewed these days.

    • Becky says:


      We got pictures today and will go to the place to fill out the paperwork tomorrow. The people Steve asked at the office said they thought we would have them in plenty of time. Didn’t know they would be $120 each. Expensive!

  17. krista121799 says:

    The Holy Land!! I have always said that is the one place I want to go! To walk where Jesus did?! EEK!! I’m so happy for you!
    Sadly, I have never been out of the country. But I do hope to…one day.
    Can’t wait for more info…and then, LOTS of pictures when you return!

  18. Diane Pombier says:

    Becky, My only advice is to take lots of pictures and enjoy the trip. Wonderful news.

  19. Phyllis says:

    What a fabulous gift! I’ve only been to Canada so don’t have any travel tips to give you other than take lots of pictures!

    • Becky says:


      Canada is certainly a beautiful country to visit; I only saw the outer edges of it but it is quite the grand place.

      Can’t wait to start snapping photos of the loveliness of Israel!

  20. Sheri says:

    So thrilled for you to be able to experience this together! Your church will benefit greatly! So happy, dear friends!!

    • Becky says:


      I know you can especially share my excitment since you have recently been there. Still can’t quite believe we are actually doing it!

  21. kristyathome says:

    How lovely and what a generous gift! I will offer a bit of insight: shop now for at least two universal chargers for your phone, computer and/or camera. The value is immeasurable and it’s good to have a back up. I would also suggest making a list of any incidentals and purchasing them a few at a time so as not to make too big of a dent in your budget. Also, a light weight refillable water bottle! Godspeed!

    • Becky says:


      What practical tips–thank you!

      The lightweight water bottle is good advice. The one I carry around at home and work is fairly heavy which wouldn’t be good for lots of walking. I will definitel look for one–as well as those chargers.

  22. Brooke R. says:

    Becky –
    You know I’ve been to Palestine. It is an amazing place. You will be blown away by the beauty of the place. Also, I think you know this, but despite what all the westerners and Zionists may otherwise try to portray – the Palestinians aren’t terrorists. The Palestinians are some of the kindest, most hospitiable, amazing and kind people in all the world. I’ve heard some Palestinians joke that that is a part of their doom – that they are such hospitable people that they didn’t resist soon enough to the stealing of their land. I’m lucky, I get to go to Jordan every couple of years to visit my best friend, a Palestinian in exile, and her huge family, and so I’m treated to not only the beauty of that land but to the grace and graciousness of the Palestinian people on a regular basis.

    I’ve been to Jerusalem, Hebron, & Bethlehem (and other places in the West Bank).. Jerusalem is my favorite city in the world. I’ve often said that if the Abrahamic God exists anywhere here on earth it’s in Jerusalem – being that it is the most significant city in Christianity and Judiasm & the 3rd most significant city in Islam. This trip WILL change your life, in some way. When you are there just breathe it in, just stand and be with God.

    • Becky says:


      What a beautiful way to end your comment. “Just breathe it in, just stand, and be with God.” After I read that line I just sat quietly and thought about it for a minute.

      You are blessed to have a friend in that area so that you can see their world throught the eyes of someone who actually lives there. What a treasure to be able to visit so often and be welcomed by her and her family.

      A true gift.

  23. mrs pam says:

    wow! whar a gift!!! looking forward to traveling with you via smithellaneous

  24. Ann O. says:

    Sharing the excitement with you, Becky!!! Laughed at your not being pregnant part!! What a journey it will be for the rest of us, as we look forward to your sharing your trip! My travel tip for long airplane rides: compression socks. I don’t have any trouble with blood clots, or anything. Just find them comfortable on long drives or flights.

    • Becky says:


      It will be a VERY long flight!

      Do compression socks keep your legs from feeling so fatigued? Or what is their purpose? I’ve heard a lot of people use them and benefit from them so would love to give them a try.

      • Ann O. says:

        I find they make my legs more comfortable, less restless. On long drives or flights, I feel like everything settles in my feet (could be just my imagination from not being able to move around!) They help prevent blood clots, and many people wear them for that.

  25. LeeAnne says:

    Oh so very excited for you! What a great trip it will be! The fact that it was a gift is really awesome and amazing. We have been to Mexico several times and to the Dominican Republic twice. Anywhere with a beach and sunshine is my favorite place to travel to! 🙂

    I will be so anxious to hear all about your trip and see the photos too!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, a beach and a sunshine are two great ingredients for a trip. (Or for a place to live, for that matter!) 🙂

      I’m glad you are looking forward to seeing pictures because I am sure looking forward to taking them!

  26. Jenna Hoff says:

    Wow that is so exciting!! I bet you will have the time of your lives!! I am so happy for you and I look forward to seeing your photos and reading your stories!

    • Becky says:


      It seems funny to look ahead 10 weeks and think of what experiences will come our way. Can’t even imagine it at this point.

  27. Catherine says:

    Wow! What a gift! So happy for you both!enjoy and have an AWESOME time!! Can’t wait to hear and see all the pics and stories!! I know you can’t wait! I’m the mean time enjoy your painting experience.

    • Becky says:


      I’m quite convinced that the painting experience is not meant to be enjoyed. 🙂 I’m glad I”m not the one doing the work but I still have to deal with the chaos. It will be so worth it though, to put everything back in a lovely, painted room.

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