After posting last week about Sarah and Victoria’s long friendship, I happened to run across these photos from 2005.
We had met Victoria and her mom, Crystal, halfway between our two towns to have dinner.
Here we are, 11 years and 4 grandkids later.
Part of our meeting was for the purpose of transacting some Important Parking Lot Business.
Sarah was going to a Father/Daughter Dance and was experiencing the age-old female dilemma of having nothing to wear.
And so Crystal and Victoria gathered up some lovely dresses from Victoria’s closet and after we finished eating, they launched into their best saleswoman routine. They looked for all the world like those vendors you see on the streets of Time Square, hawking merchandise to tourists. We got a good laugh out of it.
Here is what Sarah chose to wear from those pushy sidewalk vendors.
Her beau for the evening pinned on her corsage . . .
and they were ready to go!
When she got home, her Grandma Campbell called to hear all the details of the evening. (How do you like our modern, sleek telephone?)
Precious, precious moments.
Madi got home from the hospital on Tuesday. Oh happy day!
Here she is on the countdown toward going home
And the Happy Discharge from the Hospital moment.
Steve and I are gearing up to head out to Georgia after church on Sunday for the last of our four leadership training sessions. Every time I pack to go somewhere I always think, “This is going to be the breakthrough trip when I will finally be able to compile that magical capsule wardrobe everyone always talks about. Instead of packing 75 items, I am going to figure out how to pack 3 fabulous pieces that will create 37 outfits and my suitcase will close with ease, instead of bulging at the proverbial seams.”
Or not.
What about you? Are you a heavy packer or a light packer? Would you call yourself efficient at packing or do you just toss things into the suitcase and hope for the best?
Becky – I just did 2 back to back work trips. The first was 2.5 days to Minnesota (flight) and the second was 3.5 days to Bend, Ore. (2.5 hour drive). I was quite impressed with my trip to Minnesota – I took *just* enough clothes and my carry on wasn’t heavy at all. But the Bend, Ore. trip – we drove so I knew I could take more. I used the same bag as the Minnesota trip but it was twice as heavy.
One trip I did do the roll and put it in a bag trick. I was going to visit a dear one in Amman, Jordan and did that on the way over for all my outfits + scarves + underwear. For that trip, because of everything I was taking (a bunch of stuff for my friends + my stuff) I’d packed most everything ~2 weeks before I left. When I got to Amman and hung up my clothes they didn’t need a lot to get them presentable (thank goodness because I didn’t have an iron where I was staying). I recommend the trick. Now, on the way back my clothes did NOT end up back in their neatly packed plastic bags, rather they just got shoved all wrinkly and all.
Isn’t it amazing how our suitcases never look as neat coming home as they do when going? I think that’s probably true for most people but I’d be curious to know the psychology behind it.
I also did the rolling trick this time around but ran out of time to put everything in bags. I will try that for my next (soon upcoming) trick.
You’re blessed that you’ve gotten to travel so much; I know you enjoy it!
So happy to hear that Madi is back home! I love seeing all your happy family photos, including her sweet smile. My question is how did you and Victoria’s mother manager to not age a bit in 11 years?? I want in on your secret!
As for packing, I’m no help. I tend to pack “in case”… I’d better pack this, in case it rains, in case it’s warm, in case etc. Because everyone knows you can’t find a WalMart anywhere in the U.S. to buy what you may unexpectedly need. (Insert sarcasm here.)
I think I am an “in case” person, too; I try to plan for every eventuality. But, as you said, there are stores on most corners of every street so it’s not like we are going out to the vast tundra with no place to pick up forgotten items. SOME day we will become streamlined packers!
A packing trick I’ve learned is to put undies and stockings rolled tightly in a top (blouse etc.) The roll is put into a plastic bag and as much air squeezed out as possible (Saves suitcase space.)Clothes will not wrinkle when rolled. You can even enclose slacks if you want or roll them separately. So easy just to pull out a bag each morning.
A great idea! I had heard of the rolling trick but hadn’t thought of putting the rolls into plastic bags. That way, you can get all the way to the bottom of your suitcase without having 8 layers in between that get disrupted and dismantled while you dig. Fantastic tip!
Madi is the HAPPIEST sick baby ever! I love her smile – and I’m so glad she’s home.
As for packing – I’m a super-packer. We did nine days in Europe over the holidays, and I did it in a carry-on and a tote. I pack things that can be worn at least twice (barring spills/dirty subway seats), and that can be mixed/matched with other items. I stick with one color “palette” – typically black/red/grey/blue.
It’s harder to pack “light” in the winter, too, because the clothes are so much bulkier.
So I wear multiple layers on the plane (cami, shirt, sweater, scarf, coat), and pack strategically. I fold/roll everything to maximize space, and I only take three pairs of shoes, maximum, plus a pair of flipflops for the hotel room/pool. I wear the bulkiest shoes while traveling, too (typically boots).
This is what I took for nine nights:
• Jeans x2 (blue)
• Leggings x2 (black)
• Tights x2 (black)
• Skirt x1 (black)
• Cami x4 (black x2, white, grey)
• Long-sleeve T-shirt x3 (black, red)
• Sweater x3 (black x2, red)
• Sweatshirt x1 (grey)
• PJs x3
• Socks x4 (I washed these in the hotel sink as I wore them, stuffed into small voids)
• Underwear x12 (stuffed into small voids in the suitcase)
• Ankle boots (black)
• Hair straightener (it’s dual voltage, so I don’t need a transformer)
• Plug adapter
• Phone charger (also dual voltage)
• Makeup bag
• Quart-size bag of toiletries
• Tennis shoes (sneakers – whatever you call them!)
• Crossword books
• Snacks
• Water bottle
• Small cross-body purse, which had my billfold, passport, lipbalm, phone, and a pen. It “rides” in my tote to acknowledge two-bag limits on planes.
• Flipflops
• Knit hat
• Gloves
• Blanket
I wore:
• Jeans
• Long-sleeve T (white)
• Sweater (grey)
• Scarf (black/white)
• Coat (black)
• Ankle boots (black)
The only thing I ended up buying was an umbrella (which I had planned to do, as a souvenir, anyway) and a new hat (because I left mine in the hotel room).
You’ve posted so many great outfit ideas on your thrifty style series, and so many of them are mix/match! You can do this!
NINE days with a carry on and a tote? (A moment of silence, please.) I can’t EVEN imagine!
It was insightful to read through your packing list; thanks so much for including it. General advice is always great but you can’t beat specific examples.
As you pointed out, it is so important to keep clothes to one color scheme which I’m getting much better at doing the more I streamline and fine tune my closet, which has been an ongoing, 3-year process.
Steve wants to take a mini road trip in the Miata at some point which means I will be limited to a suitcase half my usual size. So light packing is a skill I WILL learn–and I’m making progress. And you have inspired me!
Thanks again for taking the time to include such helpful and useful information. Happy trails to you!
I truly am the WORST packer! I pack enough for two weeks even though I’m only going for three days. I think I need an intervention.
Packers Anonymous. I hear ya! 🙂
Sarah and Victoria have had such a long and special friendship. Amazing to see how the girls have changed over 11 years. …equally amazing to see how their beautiful mamas have barely aged at all in the same time!
So glad to hear sweet Madison is feeling better and home. Wonderful news.
A funny clothing story….my friend Teena anr her husband are teachers who spend their summers off travelling the globe. A few years ago when they went to India, she was incredibly proud of herself because she packed just one outfit in her backpack, which she washed each evening and hung to dry. She convinced her husband to try the same. It worked out great until she saw the printed photos after the trip. Given they were in the same clothing in every single picture it looked like they had one very very very long day trip where they’d traipsed all across India in that one day! She still laughs every time she pulls out her photo album.
I absolutely loved your story about your friend, Teena.
First of all, I am impressed that she and her husband wore the same clothes every day. Now THAT is a radical way to pack lightly.
And secondly, thinking of them seeing all those pictures for the very first time and realizing the One Day, Long Trip Effect–well, that just made me chortle. Love it.
Thanks for sharing such a great story. 🙂
Happy to hear Madi is better. Lovely remember pictures of Sarah and Steve. Thanks for all the pictures and stories you share.
We talked to the family last night and Madi still has a little “crackle” in her lungs but is feeling much better. But now Nathan has lost his voice and has a cough. Hopefully, it won’t be long before they all feel better at the same time! I hope you and Jim enjoyed your musical week!
So glad to hear Madi is HOME SWEET HOME!!!
I love the expressions captured in pictures, and you have some beauties in these shots, Becky. The expressions on Sarah’s and Victoria’s faces as they ponder clothing are especially telling of their wonderful relationship.
Light packer, no question about that! I would be of the efficient and toss variety. I hope for the best as I toss, and can “make do” with whatever’s in my bag. It helps I don’t go to fancy stuff, so no need for all that’s involved with that! I’ve made do with a carry-on for a week away. My husband, go figure, is the opposite type of packer. We compliment each other! (And he drives me crazy by taking EVERYTHING he might possibly want – not need!)
Safe travels!
That IS funny that your husband is the heavier packer; it is almost always the other way around.
I admire your “carry on for a week,” can do attitude. I am in awe!
Yay!! Madi is better and at home. Prayers answered!
When I pack, I start days ahead and lay everything out in outfits, complete with jewelry, etc. I TRY to be a light packer and usually do ok with the clothes but then it’s the shoes that do me in. Ha! I have flown twice this year already and each time I only took a carry-on. One trip was for 4 days; the other was for 5 (business convention) and I managed to contain my clothes AND shoes to just my carry-on. Wooo-Hooo!! Now when we go to Mexico, I need a whole suitcase AND carry-on just for my stuff which doesn’t make sense because swim suits and short/tops take up less room. Hmmmm. 🙂
All you carry-on people are amazing; I am so impressed!
And yes, it is sort of funny that packing for a trip involving mostly swim suits and shorts would require a whole suitcase. Must be some sort of packing “new math.” 🙂
YAY! Madi’s all better now! I couldn’t help thinking about the look of adults who are discharged from the hospital, slouched in their wheelchairs, gray pallor, no smile. And then we see Madi being discharged. Ahhhh, youth! So glad the hospital experience is all behind her now.
What a fun way for Sarah and Victoria to spend time together! Once again, I love the dedication to your daughters that you and Crystal show, driving 2 hours each way for dinner! (Well, dinner and a little light shopping.)
I’m what you might call a phenomenal suitcase packer. That means that there’s this strange phenomenon about my packing. If I pack heavy clothes because it’s winter and we’re going into the Catskill Mountains, it’ll be 75 degrees and sunny there, and I won’t have any light-weight clothes to wear. If I pack dressy-ish clothes in case we go out, we won’t leave the house and everyone else will be in jeans and sweats. Yup. I’m phenomenal. 😉
Well, with those “phenomenal” packing skills, you could hire yourself out to different parts of the country that are needing a weather shift! If the northeast, for example, were to be having a late spring and the temps were unseasonably cold, you could just fly there with a suitcase full of winter woolies and presto, the temp would shoot to 85 and everyone would be happy.
I think it would be a great source of extra income. 🙂
I love this trip down memory lane, dear friend! I remember that visit and the fun we had “selling” our wares on the side of the restaraunt curb! Lol! Thank you for taking me back to this fun memory this morning❤️…..I am so glad Madi got home from the hospital. She is so cute, grandma! Love you and hope you and Steve have a safe and fun trip to GA!!
Yes, that was a fun night and some great memories for our girls and us! Instead of Sarah “shopping her closet,” she just shopped Victoria’s closet. 🙂 And we all got to have a good time along the way.
This is a big week for you; so excited!
I am much better than I used to be. A friend gave me a sample of a packing list when we went on our Alaska cruise & magically I wore all but 1 top that I packed. I find if I print out the sheet I do better than trying to figure it out in my head. Right now I’m packing for a convention & leaving today so I feel your pain. Have. Wonderful trip.
I sure would love to have a copy of a sample packing list. I usually do a lot better when flying because I know I only have one suitcase. But when driving, O’my goodness, it a good thing my husband is not a plumber we would have the kitchen sink!
Yes, I agree. The limitations of space when flying is a great discipline. No kitchen sinks allowed! 🙂
I agree. Having a list in front of you DOES make things simpler. That way you don’t have to try and remember things and you have the assurance of knowing everything is checked off and in the bag.
You did great wearing everything except one top. That is smart packing!