Promised Peace

April 28, 2021

Yesterday morning, I posted about God’s mercies being new every morning and wrote that I was praying for new answers and new hope. I was also praying for peace–for Sarah and for everyone who loves her.

Gage had arrived back at the hospital yesterday at 9 a.m. and I had texted him from the hotel to see how things were going. He said that Sarah had not rested well the night before due to fever and some other issues and had just that minute fallen asleep.  He said he would text me when she woke back up.

So what does a girl do with an hour to spare?  She tracks down a consignment store, of course.

I found a few things I wanted to try on and when the sales lady came and took the items from me, she said, “I’ll put you under peace.”

I was a little startled because I had just been praying for peace and I couldn’t quite figure out what in the world she was talking about.

And then  I noticed the dressing rooms.  I saw that each one had a name. And the dressing room selected for me was peace.

How cool is that?

And then while I was in the dressing room (of peace) I got a text from Sarah which said, “The doctors said they are comfortable with me going home today. And they think the reason for my fevers and low platelets is mono.  (This not a definitive answer since some of the tests take 10 days to come back. But it’s what they’re leaning toward.)

So. An answer! And my girl headed home! Woohoo and hallelujah!

I had really wanted to see her before she and Gage left but since things were happening quickly and she was so close to being discharged, he and I weren’t even sure there would be time for me to get up there. We talked briefly about all of us meeting for lunch after her discharge so I could at least see her a few minutes but then we rethought that pretty quickly because we knew Sarah didn’t feel well enough to go into a restaurant.

Even though I was sad about not seeing her, I knew the sooner they got home the better so I texted Gage again and told him they should just head on home.

But five minutes after sending the text, the thought whammed into my brain, “Wait a minute. I really, really need  to see Sarah before she leaves!'”

I understood her discharge was imminent and even though I was only five minutes from the hospital, I knew that wrestling with the parking garage and then walking the ten minutes over to the hospital would cost me at least twenty minutes. So I threw aside my frugal proclivities and decided to spring for valet parking.  I was determined to see my girl!

I flung my keys at the nice valet fella and semi-sprinted to the front doors of Duke.  Of course, once I got inside, I had to go through the covid questions/wrist band/drivers’ license/picture taking routine which seemed like it took ten hours instead of two minutes.

After I had been properly photographed, tagged, bracelet-ed, and interviewed I scurried to the elevators.  Since there are five elevators, I was afraid they were going to come in down one elevator and I was going to go up another and we would miss each other altogether.  I got to the ninth floor, raced down the hall, hit the button to open the door of her unit and . . .  there she was.

Sarah was sitting in a wheelchair by the nurse’s desk, waiting for Gage to sign her out before they left. I couldn’t believe how close I had come to missing them!

Gage was pushing a wheelchair full of their belongings while a nurse was getting ready to push Sarah’s wheelchair. As soon as Sarah saw me she told the nurse, “My mom’s here. She can push me!” I could see a little sparkle of light in her tired eyes as she said it, and it made my heart so happy to be able to brighten her day just by showing up.

Once we got down to the lobby, Gage had to walk across the street to the parking deck to get his car, so I maneuvered Sarah’s chair into a quiet corner and sat beside her on a bench.  It was such a precious, precious time.  We held hands and talked about so many important things that were on her heart, both joys, and fears. I was overcome with thankfulness that I had made it in time, that I had caught them before they left, that Sarah and I had those few wonderful moments together where she could pour out her heart.

Gage brought the car around to the front of the hospital and as I watched him lovingly tuck Sarah snugly into it, I was thankful to know she would have his good company and care and protection on the way home.

After they had pulled away, I went over to the valet desk to pay and then, while waiting for my car to be brought around, I suddenly found myself sobbing. I had to go hide behind one of the pillars for a few moments until I could get myself under control.

Sitting and sharing precious conversation with Sarah, seeing her frailty and weary eyes, remembering the vibrant young woman in the engagement pictures, knowing a wedding was around the corner, understanding just how desperately she wanted to be well and not have to be dealing with all these medical challenges . . . well, tears seemed to be the only answer.

But at least we left Duke with some bit of hope that one of the problems she’s facing might have an answer. I’m hopeful that she will feel more like eating once the infection subsides and that we will find workable ways to deal with the tumor after the honeymoon.

Today Sarah has an appointment with a doctor back on the Outer Banks that Duke had arranged and then at some point soon, we will need to go back to Duke for her colonoscopy.  But we are hopeful that medical visits will be limited between now and the wedding.

We don’t know what the next three weeks leading up to the wedding will hold . .  .  but we know that in the middle of it all,  we are promised peace.

47 comments so far.

47 responses to “Promised Peace”

  1. Monique says:

    Praying for peace and complete healing for Sarah and her loved ones that surround her! Praying that she will begin to feel well so she can fully enjoy this special time in her life.

  2. SueEllen says:

    What a day of God-Winks!! Continued love, hugs and prayers sent your way.

  3. Tammy Hayes says:

    Love the peace story. Wow! I am wondering did Sarah get the vaccine shot?

  4. LeeAnne says:

    I’m feeling thankful and relieved that Sarah got to go home with a tentative diagnosis for her fevers and low platelets. Yay! I had mono as a junior in high school and I remember feeling bad for a long time. But back then (1976), they didn’t really treat it, but only told me to get lots of rest and not to overdo it. Basically let it run it’s course. Ugh. Times have really changed though and I have known of people with it who have received treatment and gotten over it much, much quicker with no lingering ill effects. I’m certain that the brilliant minds at Duke will do their best with her treatment.
    The ‘Peace’ fitting room made me smile. Love it!

  5. Michele says:

    I’m so happy Sarah got to go home . Thankful for a potential diagnosis. I know mono can be serious and make a person feel awful. I am a nurse in a doctors’s office. About 25 years ago a 16 year old girl came in and had really messed up platelets.!I remember the doctor at the time really thought she had a form of leukemia. I was so sad for her. As it turned out it was all due to mono. I remember she was really sick k for a while. Well I transferred to a satellite location of the practice for many years Then I switched to school nursing for several years and lost track of her. A few years ago I went back to work for the original doctor and ran into her again. Well she is all grown up , married, has a school aged son., and is as healthy as can be. I am telling you this because her story sounds so much like Sarah’s situation right now. I pray for the same outcome for Sarah!

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for sharing an encouraging story. It’s good to know that at least this one part of Sarah’s health challenge should have a good ending.

  6. Sharyn L. McDonald says:

    I know the Bible says that He will give us peace, not as the world gives us, but as He gives us – but, this time the world really gave you peace. Don’t think it was a coincidence.. It gave me chills. I think it was very necessary for you to sob. With all that is going on, women need to cry, tears of frustration and tears of happiness. You have had to or needed to do both. Continuing to pray

  7. Gloria A Smith says:

    Praise God for Sarah’s release from the hospital. Praise God for Becky, Sarah’s loving, caring, one in a million Mom.

    “Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow”

  8. Phyllis says:

    So glad to hear that Sarah got to go home and hopefully has a diagnosis on her fevers and low platelet counts. Prayers that she can get some much needed rest. Glad you were able to see her before she and Gage left for home.

  9. Gayle in AL says:

    I love the dressing room story. God answers prayers in funny ways sometimes. I’m so glad you’ve got some tentative answers. I sure hope that’s all it is and that she can get over it quickly and get to the business of planning her wedding. Praying for a quick recovery.

  10. Judy Brandenburg says:

    I I pray for peace and comfort. And most of all healing her body..

  11. Wendy says:

    Thank you for the update. When I got to the “peace” dressing room, I had tears how God was providing that for you.
    So glad they potentially have a diagnosis for Sarah. Praying she can rest and heal up quickly before the wedding now.

  12. Heather E says:

    So glad to hear that Sarah could be discharged and that there is a potential diagnosis for her. Glad you could see her too-Moms make everything better.

    Praying for Sarah to feel well soon!


  13. Guerrina says:

    Thank you for the update! Mono kept me out of school, in bed, and asleep for 6 weeks straight. Because my spleen was so enlarged, I was given the choice to go home, stay in bed on same floor as bathroom (no stairs) and no walking around except to use bathroom or be hospitalized. I chose home. My poor Mom! She would bring food and a couple bites or teaspoons of something and back to sleep I went. My body needed that complete rest to heal. I went to bed a little chubby and woke up 25 lbs. lighter. I know Sarah doesn’t have pounds to lose so will be praying specifically about that.

    • Becky says:


      Bless your mom! And thanks for your prayers that Sarah’s appetite will increase and she won’t lose any more weight.

  14. Kay D says:

    Thankful for peace that passes all understanding. A little song that says “peace in the midst of trouble, peace in the midst of the storm, peace though the world the raging, in the shelter of His arms.” I am thankful that God has sent an answer. Sarah will need lots of rest, lots of fluid, and lots of love! I’m sure she will get all of that

  15. Suzanne says:

    So thankful for some answers and that God made sure you SAW his presence today. It’s not that we don’t know he’s there but sometimes you just need to SEE Him.

    Continuing to send prayers and hugs for all your way.

  16. Ruth rehberg says:

    Good news…this song just came to mind.

    My hope is built on nothing less
    than Jesus blood and righteousness.
    I dare not trust the sweetest frame
    but wholly lean on Jesus name.

    On Christ the solid rock I stand
    all other ground is sinking sand.

  17. Lesley says:

    Dear Becky,
    A potential diagnosis, hooray! Mono is no joke for some people, it can take quite a toll but thankfully it’s an answer. Fluids, fluids, fluids! My son had it his first month of college away from home- fevers, vomiting, sore throat, exhausted, he was a mess. He wanted to ride it out at school and the medical support at the college thought he could. But I felt so helpless, so far away. I was calling the college nurse every day, as he had multiple appointments. Hopefully Sarah will feel well enough by the wedding, prayers there. So glad she is home and maybe there will be less anxiety about what is going on and that alone will help her somewhat. Hugs to you mama, it is so very very hard.

    • Becky says:


      I can’t IMAGINE either of my kids having mono so far from me. I can only imagine how you burned up the line to that nurse’s office!

      Since it seems she’s had it several weeks, I am hoping the worst is over.

  18. Sarah says:

    I’m so happy she’s going home! And grateful for the start of some answers!

  19. Nicole says:

    Praise God for a diagnosis for Sarah! Praying that the next three weeks go smoothly and she continues to heal/recover.

  20. Joy says:

    Oh what great news that Sarah got to come home. Hopefully the doctors are right and it is mono and she can rest and be feeling wonderful come her wedding day.

    Peace is in our hearts is what we all need.

    Prayers and Hugs

    P.S Did you find your “Mother of the Bride” dress?

    • Becky says:


      The mother of the bride dress search is still in full swing. It’s not been an easy search but I am forging ahead and looking in all my “spare time.”

  21. Teresa Hewitt says:

    By chance, today earlier I was reading the beautiful ‘Desiderata’ which begins so famously with, “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. ..” and ends with, “Whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul.”

    PEACE certainly seems to be the word of the day.

    I’m so glad she’s going home today. We hope and wait beside you for answers, good answers and good strategies that will bring Sarah to health for her wedding day and beyond it. With love, Teresa and Juliet

    • Becky says:


      Ah yes. I love those words from Desiderata. I can feel my blood pressure go down just reading them.

      Peace is definitely our word!

  22. Stefanie says:

    So glad there’s a (potential) diagnosis, and that Sarah is home. Full-steam ahead with the wedding planning!!!

  23. Cindy says:

    I am so happy for positive news and that Sarah was released! I wonder if we were both thrift shopping at the same time and that thought makes me happy. Prayers for Sarah to recover quickly! I am happy dancing,

  24. Beth Kayser says:

    Oh my heart soaked in every word of your update. The thrift shop started my heart with HOPE in your update — and then as I read, I could feel God moving throughout your day. What an encouraging update – I will continue to sit here with “leaky eyes” but continuing my prayers for peace, comfort and HOPE…. sending hugs from California…..

    • Becky says:


      Yes, whoever knew a dressing room could be an answer to a quickly breathed prayer?

      Thanks for the California hugs.

  25. Mrs. Pam says:

    “I am leaving you with a gift- peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world can not give. So, don’t be troubled or afraid.”
    John 14:27

  26. Patti Dyer says:

    So glad to read this encouraging update – continued prayers for you all and happy wedding planning!

  27. Tammy says:

    Peace is indeed what you all need! I’m praying for the infection symptoms to subside quickly and the wedding plans to commence in full force!
    My momma heart hears your momma heart! Precious moments with our daughters can bring on the waterworks in ways that nothing else can. Sending lots of love and cyber hugs!!

  28. Carie says:

    So thankful for a diagnosis. Here’s to praying for good health for the next month.

  29. Tammy says:

    Peace is indeed what you all need! I’m praying for the infection symptoms to subside quickly and the wedding plans to commence in full force!

  30. Jenny Koehler says:

    Oh my dear Becky! A Mom’s love & care is strong just at the right time, and then when you need strength & care, God is right there to replenish. It is not a coincidence Peace was above your fitting room. I believe that was Divine Intervention. ♥

  31. Buff says:

    Thanks for keeping us updated. I am at my moms in eastern NC as of last night. She turns 90 on Thursday. Would love to get to the OBX but not happening this trip.
    Thanking God for the mono diagnosis. Still praying for miraculous healing!

    • Becky says:


      Happiest 90th birthday to your mom. Amazing all the things someone her age has seen in their lifetime!

      Yes, I never thought I’d be thankful for mono but I’ll take it, over some of the other diagnoses out there.

  32. twinclarinets says:

    Dear Becky, I am encouraged by this positive news and glad that Sarah is on her way home. I know Pastor Steve will be glad to see them! I hope you got back to the store under the sign of Peace. Love, Fred & Lucy

  33. Gail says:

    thankful for some answers and for peace for her and Gage and for your precious mama heart. Thank you so much for keeping your worried online family updated. Praying for better days ahead for sweet Sarah and a joyous wedding for her and Gage. She so deserves it. God bless and prayers continue from East Tennessee.

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