Popcorn, Dishwasher, New Mexico.

July 16, 2015

Hello from Albuquerque, New Mexico!

We were supposed to land at 10:45 last night (12:45 our body’s time) but due to storms at La Guardia we were put on another plane and landed two hours earlier than planned. I was one happy woman to be able to get to bed early! 

Since we have just so recently arrived, I don’t have any Albuerque-ean pictures to show you yet. I suppose I could take a selfie of me in my pajamas with bed head but trust me, you don’t want to see that. We’ll head out on some picture-worthy adventures in a few minutes.

The day before we left was a busy one with dozens of last-minute details to be taken care of at home and at church. In the midst of all that, our 20-year old extra fridge/freezer in our garage conked out and I had to deal with a bunch of quickly thawing food. And then the bottom of the silverware holder in the dishwasher let loose and dropped out. If Sarah was going to be by herself all week, she could have gotten along with out the dishwasher pretty easily but her friend Hope and her family are coming to stay with her for several days, so a dishwasher is nice to have when there are several people about, especially when those people are great cooks, like Hope and her mom, Melody.

Steve loves nothing more than to try to design fixes for things and he enlisted Sarah’s assistance in this particular venture. I’m glad Sarah has a dad who doesn’t believe in women’s work and men’s work.  He helps wash dishes and she helps to fix stuff.




After the dishwasher snafu and the freezer snafu, we launched into the great packing adventure. (I am a Professional Packing Procrastinator from way back.)


I am also a Professional Over Packer.I can’t seem to pack light no matter how hard I try.


Women have it so much harder than men because there are so many more complexities to deal with.


Sixteen pair of earrings of an 8-day trip?  I need help, people. (All but 3 of the earrings came from thrift stores.)


When I told Steve that I get frustrated by my over packing tendencies he lovingly told me, “It’s not a character-flaw, dear.”

Which is true. It’s not.  It is one of my goals though, to gradually improve in this area and learn the secrets of being streamlined!

Crystal, one of our thoughtful church members, presented us with this treasure right before we left.  Steve was highly tempted to jettison his carry on bag and take this on the airplane instead. 


I just packed it in on smaller bags and distributed it throughout our luggage.  I also bought some protein bars at the grocery store, cut them in halves and fourths and put them in Zip Loc bags as well as divided up a large bag of peanut M and M’s. We did our usual trick of carrying empty water bottles through security and filling them on the other side. It makes my thrifty soul shrivel at the thought of having to pay exorbitant airport fees for water and food.

And the last picture of the day? My sweet family all dressed up for Chick-Fil-A Day.  Don’t they make you smile?



Many pictures to follow but in the meantime, what are your tips and tricks for packing?  I am always on the lookout for things to learn.

24 comments so far.

24 responses to “Popcorn, Dishwasher, New Mexico.”

  1. Lauren says:

    When my husband and I go anywhere we never check a bag! If it can’t fit in a carry on we don’t need it! Went on our 9 day dream trip to Ireland with just a carry on!
    Wore some simple fake gold stud earrings the entire week. Not into make up so that wasn’t an issue. Rolled up our clothes.
    Wore a heavy sweater on the plane and immediately took it off but it was available for the chilly nights.

    • Becky says:


      I am impressed beyond words that you went on a 9-day trip with a carry on. And I’m also a little jealous you got to go to Ireland. That would be a dream trip of mine, too!

  2. JennyJoT says:

    I generally take one pair of gold and one pair of silver earrings when I travel. A little boring, but much less stressful! I used to go on mission trips to Honduras and I’d pack each outfit (complete with undies) into a ziplock bag. Then in the mornings, I’d just grab a bag and not have to paw through all my stuff. I loved Steve’s comment about the “overpacking issue,” by the way. What an encouraging guy! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Steve is definitely an encouraging guy. And your advice for not having to paw through all the stuff was great–pawing through my clothes is my least favorite part of traveling. I wonder if I might even try a two gallon zip lock bag. Will have to experiment.

  3. Catherine says:

    I myself would rather have to much then not enough. But that’s just me. Hope y’all have a wonderful trip! Safe travels. God speed!!

  4. Ann Martin says:

    I always over pack. Last week I took extra clothes because with the humidity I did not know if I would need to change after my meetings into casual outfits. Think I wore all slacks but not all blouses. I have taken two tops for one pair of pants before. Had to have black shoes for all black day and banquet and white shoes for all white day in FL. Needed good walking shoes for the organized walk on Sat. I took too many earrings but did wear different pair each day of the meetings. I have downsized but still need to do more. Never thought of old undies and throwing them away. I always try to carry new ones. Have a great time and looking forward to pictures. Know about that time change. Glad Sarah has company while you are gone.

  5. sharon says:

    I went to Mexico with a small duffle bag for luggage. I wore my heavest clothes and packed very lightly, I did wear each outfit twice, but had a swimsuit and nightie in there too and of course unmentionables.. a trick I learned from my daughter take your worn out undies and then you can just toss them after you wear them and not feel guilty. LOL

  6. Sharyn McDonald says:

    This has already been suggested, but many years ago a lady had demonstrated how to pack lightly in that she put a couple shirts, and couple pairs of pants together and rolled them up, then placed them in the suitcase. You can get so much more in if you roll things together. As LeeAnne mentioned using a couple pairs of earrings for a couple outfits really helps. I have come home with earrings I never used because I used a pair for a couple different outfits, ‘course then again, earrings don’t take up much room. Depending on when or where you go, as with our last trip, the beginning was going to be in chilly weather (sweatshirts, jackets and heavier pants were needed) and then the last part of the trip was very warm (Aruba and Florida), so you really have to think about the need for packing light. Hope you have great weather through your entire time there.

    • Becky says:


      I did try rolling some things this time although I didn’t roll more than one thing together. Will have to try that the next time!

  7. CJ says:

    I have traveled to and from different countries many times (even going to China with only a ‘carry on bag’) and have yet to figure out how to pack light (I am always right at the limit!) it’s all about how you pack it in -personally I think they should just send a separate plane with all our bags on it 🙂 16 pairs of earrings for an 8 day trip makes total sense! Two pairs a day! One for the morning, one for the evening -never know, you always must be prepared! Hope you have a great trip.

    • Becky says:


      Glad you thought my earring supply wasn’t too far out of line. 🙂 You’re fortunate you’ve gotten to travel to other countries; what fun!

  8. Brooke R. says:

    This year when I travelled to Jordan, and then again just recently when I travelled to Utah, I started putting things in gallon sized ziplock plastic bags. For dresses and such, folding them up and rolling them and then putting hair bands around them so that they didn’t open up, this made a huge difference. Organizing things and putting them in the bags makes it easier to pack my bag, and if something opens up (shampoo, etc) my clothes are organized. When I was in Jordan a few of the bags came in handy for garbage bags, etc.. Yep yep, this is how I will pack from now on. On my trip to Utah I packed an extra bag of things I was taking to my dear ones there in a duffel bag which I was able to roll up and put in my clothes bag on the way back.

    Brooke, in West Lafayette, IN

  9. beckylp says:

    I’m impressed with the 2hours early also. Our Chick-Fil-A day was couple of weeks ago. I usually just go on Monday night with my church bulliten and get my free sandwich. I am a pretty light packer – wearing the same pants for 2 days and just having different shirts to go with them. I also take my oldest undies and toss in trash when the day is over so I know I will be buying new undies each year. also take paper back book so I can leave in the room or airport when done. I know you will have a great time and look forward to the pixs. I’m glad Sarah is going to have company- I was worried about her being home alone- I’ve been with you guys so long that I just can’t believe she is grown up & could stay alone………

    • Becky says:


      Well, we got in early because were were scheduled to stop in LaGuardia and Dallas but instead, we just went to Dallas. I was ever so thankful.

      And I loved your line about having been with us guys so long you just can’t believe Sarah is old enough to stay at home alone. 🙂 Smithellaneous Oldsters are special folks around here!

  10. Mel says:

    Wow, two hours earlier not later!! That is unheard of. 🙂 I am a list packer myself. I love lists as they always give me a sense of accomplishment when I get to cross stuff off. I am easily pleased.

  11. Margie says:

    My friend Judy always uses a packing list which I thought was so dumb. Well I tried it when we went on our cruise to Alaska & it worked beautifully. You might want to try this.

    • Becky says:


      I do use kind of an informal list when I pack but I would like to make it a little more organized and print it out and be able to check things off. I’m always afraid I’m going to forget something vital!

  12. LeeAnne says:

    Whenever we travel, hubby and I agree on the amount of luggage that we will be taking. THEN I proceed to pack and if it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t go. So far, so good. 🙂 Also, when we go to Mexico or the Dominican Republic, dinner requires dresses for the ladies. I have learned to take just a couple of pairs of earrings that can go with many things; the same for necklaces, sandals, etc. It really simplifies things.

    I’m a ‘fixer’ at heart so the dishwasher snafu is really intriguing to me. How did they fix that? And we don’t have a Chick-Fil-A anywhere nearby (probably not even in our state). So what is Chick-Fil-A day??

    Have a great trip! Looking forward to the pictures! 🙂

    • Becky says:


      If it doesn’t fit, it doesn’t go. Very good motto!

      As for the dishwasher, they tried using zip ties to attach a piece of plastic but then realized that it probably wouldn’t survive the heat. Ended up getting one free from a friend who works at a furniture store; he had an old one that fit perfectly.

      As far as Chick-Fil-A, once a year they have a deal where if you dress up us a cow, you get a free sandwich. Nathan and Meagan have done that for many years now. 🙂

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