Mom, Planes, and Grease.

February 7, 2022

Tomorrow I’ll be flying to Wisconsin to spend time with my mom who has not been feeling well in recent days. (This photos is from last October.)

As you can imagine, my pre-trip to-do list is long but I wanted to be sure to get this post written because staying in touch with my wonderful Smithellaneous family is one of my favorite things to do.

My nose job appointment . . .

went pretty well although it was still just as unpleasant as last time. However,  I was happily surprised to discover that I only had to have the tube inserted one time instead of twice like in the last visit. Also, I didn’t have to endure the squirting/swallowing test so I was a semi-happy camper.

Results were supposed to take two weeks but I heard from my GI doctor late on the day of the appointment.  He said that what we’re doing for acid reflux is working well because the results didn’t show any notable problems. But he said there were other results from the test he wanted to discuss at my next appointment so I’m assuming that might have something to do with esophagus issues.  We shall see.

I mentioned in my last post that the Symbicort inhaler that had been working so well for me went from $100 to $400 a month, which I was pretty stressed about. Well, Dr. Lobo did some research and found another inhaler (Breztri) that has all of Symbicort’s ingredients, plus an additional ingredient that should be even more helpful to my lungs.

The co-pay is  . . . wait for it . . .  ze-ro dollars.  Hooray and hallelujah!

Car Stuff

Sarah’s car needed some work on the brakes so Steve and Gage set aside most of Saturday to work on it. Nothing like male bonding time, getting grimy and greasy!

I had to laugh . . .

when I saw this photo on Facebook with the caption, “Does anyone remember using this exact alarm clock?”

The reason it was funny is that Steve still has this clock on his nightstand. (Although his is just slightly cleaner than the one pictured on FB.)

What about you?  Did you ever have that exact clock?

Share one interesting, special, memorable, or run-of-the-mill experience from this past weekend. It’s always fun to take a peak into each others’ days!




42 comments so far.

42 responses to “Mom, Planes, and Grease.”

  1. Ann O. says:

    Becky, I’m so glad you are spending time with your mama, and your family up north. Let your mama know that she has many out here praying for her, and her great caregivers. I have enjoyed witnessing your mom’s faith, and love of family, over the years I’ve read your blog.

    On the subject of that clock: I remember getting one very similar for Christmas one year, when I was a youngster. I think it was during the time I was a kid loving toys, but grown up enough to wake up to my own alarm. I remember wanting to play with it, and cuddle with it (like I would a doll), so I tucked it in bed with me at night!

    • Becky says:


      What a sweet comment. I read it to my mom and sisters after lunch today; so encouraging!

      I’ve never heard of someone loving that clock so much that I wanted to tuck it into bed with them. When we’re young and we get our first grown-up items, they do become very special to us. That made me smile.

  2. KRista says:

    Wow! Some good news in this post. I’m so happy that your nose job went well AND you now are saving $100 for your inhaler. God is good!

  3. Kristina says:

    My parents had that alarm clock when I was a kid… no idea where it ended up. The noise it made was astonishing… blarey and scratchy and LOUD. It sure got the job done, though!

    I actually had a ridiculous weekend, in a fun way. My mother and I drove to Cape Code — ten hours, round trip — to see my cousins and watch their kid (my first cousin once removed) play hockey. Ten hours of driving to watch a two hour game! We had a great time, though! Beautiful day for driving, and fun to see them all. Plus I love hockey!

    • Kristina says:

      PS – I’m sorry to hear your mom isn’t feeling well. I hope you’re enjoying your time with her!

    • Becky says:


      That whole comment made me smile. It sounds like something Sarah and I would just take off and do for no reason except for the joy of the experience. Ad of course driving to Cape Cod sounds like a dream for a photographer; I’m sure the scenery was gorgeous.

      Here’s to road trips with people we love!

  4. Wendy says:

    so glad you can go spend time with your mom. I hope it’s nothing to serious and she feels better soon. It’s so hard to see them getting frail and fragile. Safe travels.
    Glad to know your test went fairly well and that also you now have a better inhaler with 0 co-pay. God takes care doesn’ t He?
    My son has that exact alarm clock we got him when he was probably 12 and he is now 37 🙂 Works great yet for him. Mine is similar to that and I’ve had it 30 plus years, but it gains time so every week or so I have to re-set it.
    It’s good to have men to fix brakes and other things on cars and in houses too. 🙂 Safe Travels

    • Becky says:


      Yes, it is hard to see parents get frail and fragile but it’s all part of the journey of life until its ending.

      Once thing I have to say about that particular alarm clock is that it was definitely built to last. So many comments about people who have had one for a very long time!

  5. Kaye Joyce says:

    I will be praying for your precious mom.. and you. Praying you get good results at your next visit about the nose job. My hubby and one of his buddies are buying four wheelers and go carts and motorcycles that need work and fixing them up and selling them. They do really good at that and it gives my retired, bored hubby something to do. He isn’t much of a mechanic but his buddy is and then my hubs does all the talking and selling… he used to be a car salesman so that is right up his alley. We used to have that clock and also my father in law did. Wish I had it back. I love the “old” stuff better than some of the new fandangled new electronics. My growing up years was so much simpler. Have a safe trip and get lots of hugs and many pics of your sweet mama.

    • Becky says:


      What a great business idea for your husband and his friend. They get to hang out, do something they enjoy, and make money at the same time. Nice to hear of their division of labor; every business needs a fixer and a talker. 🙂

      Thanks for your sweet words about my mom. I appreciate your prayers during this trip.

  6. Teresa Hewitt says:

    Even though I live 1000 (?) miles away I ALSO have the same clock, or very similar! I still use it as an alarm in preference to my phone. I like its big red friendly numbers in the night. Becky, I hope your lovely Mum feels better for seeing you. Our mothers are so precious. xxx

    • Becky says:


      I love the phrase “big red friendly numbers in the night.” That’s a great way to describe the function of a clock first built decades ago. It has stuck around all these years for a good reason!

      Yes, our mothers are precious, indeed.

  7. Liz says:

    So sorry to hear your lovely mom is not feeling well. Safe travels and prayers for her recovery. So glad you were able to find another inhaler that will work as well.

  8. Guerrina says:

    I’m so glad you can go spend time with your Mom and I’ll keep her in prayer for restored health. That’s good news on your test and inhaler! I had an alarm clock very similar to that one in the 70s! Somewhere my young grandson found one just like Steve’s and uses it in his room and thinks it’s the coolest! This past week/weekend I was still recovering from a fall last Monday. I found the only slippery part near the concrete stairs and kaboom! Nothing broken or concussed, thank You, Abba. Back to work today.

    • Becky says:


      You found the only slippery part near the steps? I bet you didn’t know you had that talent, did you? 🙂 So glad you weren’t seriously injured.

      I think it’s funny when young folks find vintage things and think they’re cool. That must mean that you and I are cool!

      Thank you for your prayers for my mom.

  9. Gloria A Smith says:


    I’m so glad that God’s guiding you to Wisconsin tomorrow. I know your Mom is looking forward to spending time with you.

    I spent the past two weeks in Roanoke Rapids, NC where 91 year old Mom was hospitalized for most of January. We believe that she possibly contracted Covid-19 during the first January hospital stay. We called in Hospice last Tuesday and she passed away on Friday. She lived a long life and remained in the home that she loved for 67 years. She will be missed.

    Praising God in the Storm,

    • Becky says:


      Oh my. I’m so sorry to hear about your mom’s passing.

      How wonderful that she was able to stay in a house she loved for almost seven decades; that is amazing to me since I’ve moved around so much. It sounds like she lived a full life; I can only imagine how much you are missing her.

  10. Courtney Hurd says:

    We are still using that alarm clock too! It is in our guest room. Safe travels to WI!

  11. Mrs. Pam says:

    what a blessing you are to your beautiful Mom

  12. Dale Tousley says:

    Safe travels and hugs to your Mom, I STILL have that exact alarm clock in our guest room!!!!

    • Becky says:


      It’s funny that several people have the clock in their guestroom, not their main room. Nice that guests get to enjoy that vintage vibe.

  13. Cindy says:

    Praying that your Mom is okay. My Mom turned 94 yesterday and is still very self sufficient, though my sister finally got her to stop driving. That makes me very happy! Hoping you get good news from your doctor!

  14. Donna says:

    I am also joining in with all the others and I had that same click too!
    Safe travels while visiting your Mom!

  15. Suzanne says:

    Safe travels as you go to love on your Mom!

    Yay for a new inhaler that is FREE to you! That’s wonderful news! And I’m glad the the first results of your nose job are good! Praying that continues!

    We STILL own that clock as well! 2 of them as a matter of fact! One is out in my husband’s shop and one is in the music room of our house. We don’t use it as an alarm clock anymore but I think it’s still my favorite.

    This weekend…hmmm…I wrapped up a wonderful mother-daughter trip with my mother down in St. Augustine, Fl. and then came home to nurse my husband who wound up with either food poisoning or a stomach bug while I was gone.

    I hope your mother-daughter time is beautiful and blessed as well!

    • Becky says:


      You win the clock comments since you own TWO of those clocks!

      St. Augustine is a beautiful place; so glad you and your mom got to enjoy it.

  16. Phyllis says:

    Get well wishes to your mom. Glad your doctor found a different inhaler for you with a $0 copay and that the first results from your “nose job” were positive.
    I had that very alarm clock although it is long gone now. I use an alarm clock app on my iPod. The only problem with it is it gets confused two times a year – when daylight savings begins and ends. I usually use an electric clock those days so I’m not getting up too early or too late for church.
    My weekend wasn’t too exciting although two friends from church and I met for lunch after church. We’re all in our 60s and have never been married. My one friend lost both of her parents last year within 30 days and lost a long-time friend in December. Last Saturday she went to Georgia for her friend’s memorial service. I had never met this friend other than on a Zoom Bible study of Acts in the 2020-2021 school year. My friend told stories about her and the three of us were able to laugh at some of the more humorous ones. My other friend told about her 16-year-old great niece who had been driving to school early as she wanted to avoid traffic. She had told her mom that she couldn’t go to school early anymore because she couldn’t get into the school that early and it was too cold. Her mom said just turn on the heater to which the great niece said I have a heater. We all got a big laugh out of that one. Sometimes laughter is the best medicine!

    • Becky says:


      Yes, indeed, laughter is the VERY best medicine.

      I’m glad you get to share laughs with family and friends and that you are blessed to have friends from church to meet up with for lunch. Such a privilege to have people in your life to love.

  17. Alisa Bentley says:

    We had this alarm clock in the 80’s when we got married, but it was a newer version that included a telephone handset on the top! What an upgrade it was!

  18. LeeAnne says:

    Oh I’m pretty sure that we had that same clock! Lol

    This weekend, we went on a road trip with 2 other couples. We made a big ‘ol hundred mile loop and went to a winery, a couple of craft breweries and had lunch at a cool restaurant by a lake. We had so much fun!

    Yay and yippee for the zero co-pay inhaler!! I love it when those things happen!

    • Becky says:

      Lee Anne,

      I am definitely yay-ing and yippee-ing over my new inhaler.

      So glad you and your friends had such a fun weekend. Glad you get a chance to get out and so stuff like that.

  19. Beth Kayser says:

    That was my favorite alarm clock ever!! ha ha — But I don’t have mine anymore.

    Safe travels to you when you go and spend time with your mom – time is so precious. Hope you continue to get good news on your health front as well. Always have the Smithellaneous family in my prayers.

    • Becky says:


      I guess an easier question would be “Who DIDN’T have that alarm clock?” I think everyone did!

      Thanks for not only being part of the Smithfellaneous family but also for your prayers. So much appreciated.

  20. Patti says:

    I had a very similar clock until 2007. It was still working, but I had gotten married and my husband had a clock so I left mine at my folks. Doubt it was ever used and probably sold at the estate sale a few years later.
    This weekend was just watching the Olympics. I am not a sports fan, but I love the Winter Olympics. I am an addict and watch all I can. Staying up late and watching until I am falling asleep.

    • Becky says:


      I agree; it is so enjoyable to watch the Winter Olympics. It’s amazing how hard those athletes have to work to get to where they are. Incredibly inspiring.

      Glad to hear from another reader who had that clock. It’s amazing to hear how many people have had it!

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