Pillars. Angels. Conniving.

April 7, 2017

‘Tis the season of the Easter drama!  We have been in final rehearsals all week and will do performances Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights.

Here is a quick peak at how it’s been going, starting with a tour backstage.


I have to brag on Steve when it comes to this new set. After Mary Ann, the director, told him she wanted pillars and arches this year, he led the team that designed and built the set. (Pillars were purchased; arches were built.) He also had a big hand in lighting. He and his team have brought up the overall visual quality so much since last year; I am so proud of what they have accomplished.

Last year’s set.

This year’s set.

After the sets were built and the lighting configured,  Steve got to move into another role–being rude, arrogant and conniving. 

The woman in the blue headwrap is Mary Ann Sherwood, our associate pastor and the writer and director of the drama.  She is also pregnant with her third child who will join two big brothers who are 11 months and 2 1/2 years old, respectively. This is a busy (and gifted) lady!

Some additional scenes . . .






Every year that we do this drama, we receive offerings after each performance and give all the money to a local ministry or community outreach. This year, the offering will go to Dare Challenge, a faith-based, residential rehab center. About 10 of the guys from Dare Challenge are acting in the play; several of them also helped with building sets.  

And finally, the actor who plays Jesus takes a break between scenes and gives me a big thumbs up and a smile. 

More photos (and smiles)  to come . . .

32 comments so far.

32 responses to “Pillars. Angels. Conniving.”

  1. Kari says:

    Wow, just wow! Your production looks great, so professional. It looks like it would have been fun to participate in also!

    • Becky says:


      Being a part of the production is a whole LOT of work but they have great fun in the process. There’s something special about hanging out with a group of people and putting together something like that.

  2. Linda in Pgh says:

    Looks like another awesome production! It is still on my bucket list to come to Manteo and see one of your productions. It would be terrific if it was available to view on YouTube. So much amazing talent, acting, dancing, set design, etc, etc, etc. Will Sarah be able to participate on stage this year, or behind the scenes, maybe? Have a wonderful Easter!

    Linda in Pittsburgh

  3. Sharyn McDonald says:

    Wow, and double wow! Only the best for our Lord to present His Word. Hard to believe Steve in such an opposite role. Does he enjoy playing a scoundrel, other than his usual “nice” guy self. He is so easy going and you can tell his love for the Lord. May the Lord bless this performance and bring others to know Him, not just for Easter but for the rest of their lives.

    • Becky says:


      Yes, has really enjoyed getting to play a character opposite his personality. I guess that is a part of the joy of acting!

  4. Ann Draper Martin says:

    Beautiful sets. I know the play will be fantastic and a blessing. Your church is so blessed and gifted.

    • Becky says:


      I think it’s cool how each church the story in their own ways, like the way you all are doing with you outdoor drama. That is such a great concept!

  5. Margie says:

    Wish I could be there to see this in person. I always love when you talk about the guys from the Dare Challenge.

  6. Barbara says:

    Please, please, make it available on Youtube! It looks amazing!

  7. Nancy Irving says:

    looks amazing, would love to see it

  8. Robyn says:

    Will the performance be available via Youtube?

  9. Angela says:

    Everything looks amazing! Would love to be able to see the production!

    • Becky says:


      It was a great joy to put it together–and an even greater joy to wake up this morning and know it was all done so that we can rest! 🙂

  10. Lesley says:

    Add myself to the list of people who would love to see the production! The set looks fantastic. Steve et al have outdone themselves.
    I was wondering…Manteo is a relatively small community, isn’t it? And it seems like so many of the congregation are actively participating in the drama. Do you still have large audiences? Do some travel from other areas of NC? Or is it usually just your church and it is a large congregation relatively speaking?

    • Becky says:


      Our congregation is actually quite small; about 85 people. About 10 members of the cast are from other churches and then the drama draws from churches in the area and in the community. I am not aware of many people traveling from other areas of NC except one of the Dare Challenge families traveled 5 hours one way on Saturday night to see their son in the production.

  11. mrs pam says:

    FANTASTIC! What a blessed experience for those who make the production happen, and for those who see it.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      You are right–it’s a double blessing. Those who get to put it together love it as much as those who witness it.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    This looks really incredible! I would absolutely LOVE to see it!! I am so impressed by all of the talent….from writing the drama to set building, costumes, lighting and acting. Wow!! A real class act!

  13. Mel says:

    Also – Please say a prayer for peace for our friends who are laying their 27 year old child to rest today. His death was very tragic and totally unexpected.

    • Becky says:


      Just wanted to let you know that as soon as I saw this comment yesterday, I was praying for your friends. Since Nathan is also 27 years old, that situation hits very close to home as I put myself in their shoes. Peace and comfort to all of you who love him.

  14. Mel says:

    I say this every year and I mean it every year. I always look forward to your Easter post. The set and lighting looks amazing. Such talent from everyone.

  15. What a beautiful set and GREAT photos! “Jesus” looks like he’d be fun to know. 🙂

    • Becky says:


      Yes, Aaron, who plays Jesus is a really great (and very fun) guy. He has played Jesus four years in a row and gets better and better. He feels the role very deeply.

  16. Wow……….what a beautiful way to celebrate the Easter season. Wish we lived closer would love to see the production!!!

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