Pharisee Sandals. An Empty Tomb.

March 18, 2016

Since my blogging habit over the past thirteen years has been to write about whatever I am living at the moment, the next couple of blogs are going to Easter Drama-centric.

And also, for today at least, my post will include a good number of photos of Sarah and her involvement in the drama.

Sarah is running video screens again this year with probably 70-80 cues to keep up with.  Here is the very top of her head poking up over her chair. (The place she is sitting is where I spend 25-30 hours each week.)



A little closer shot. (I try not to think about the fact that next year she will be in college, and not home helping us out with tech stuff.)


At one particular point in the evening, Sarah has to run around the outside of the building to get to the backstage area in order to do her Jewish Women Dance.




And then she runs back outside to her post at the computer, only to run back up to the backstage area for curtain call. And she’s doing all this running in a long costume.






After one particular rehearsal, she spent some time admiring the newly bought sandals of a Pharisee.  How often does one get to see Pharisee Sandals?



It’s really wonderful for  Steve, Sarah and me to get to work on something like this together.  We have invested time, talents and energies into it and it’s been so rewarding and fun.

Tonight is our last dress rehearsal with a few additional factors: the public is invited, it will be filmed (DVD’s will be ready by Sunday night) and the newspaper is coming to cover it.  Good times!  

Here are a few more rehearsal photos.  


I love how Steve has to stretch up sooooo high to do a curtain call with his very tall, fellow Pharisee.



I don’t think Steve is supposed to be smiling here but something obviously struck him funny. That’s what rehearsals are for!


I love the scenes with the kids and the actor playing Jesus. Such joy and energy!





Here is Claudia (the drama is named after her) and her husband, Pilate. She is begging Pilate not to have anything to do with Jesus . . .


but still Pilate condemns Him.


The scene with the resurrection dance gets to me every time. (And by the way,  I have to brag on Steve for visualizing and designing all the lighting effects you see.)











Our director (and associate pastor) Mary Ann has done an amazing job directing while very pregnant and with an energetic toddler at home. 32-DSC_6286

Sometimes telling isn’t enough and she has to get into the middle of it and show!


In the end, it’s all about two things:

The cast praying together that the story they are telling will impact and change lives . . .



and an empty tomb.







27 comments so far.

27 responses to “Pharisee Sandals. An Empty Tomb.”

  1. Diane Pombier says:

    Looks so wonderful. Costumes are incredible, and Sara looks so beautiful. would love to see it.

    • Becky says:


      Thanks for your encouragement. It has definitely been a fun undertaking and has been especially great to get to do a project like this with Sarah.

  2. Karen says:

    Wow again! Your production looks fantastic! Love the photos. Sarah, as always, looks beautiful. How many people are in the production?

    Happy Easter!

    • Becky says:


      There are about 35 on stage, in addition to tech crew, backstage people, make up team, etc. A lot to keep track of!

  3. mrs pam says:

    definitely lives will be changed by this magnificent performance…. !!!

  4. Phyllis says:

    Looks like it will be an excellent performance. And you’re so right – the most important thing is the empty tomb. Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter. By the way, I’m loving Sarah’s new haircut.

    • Becky says:


      Glad you like Sarah’s new style. She loves it because not only is it cute, but it takes just a couple minutes to style in the morning. I’m jealous!!

  5. Ann Martin says:

    It looks wonderful! Ours was great tonight. Would like to see yours, too. Maybe one year we can come to the beach for it.

    • Becky says:


      I hope your performances went well. I can’t imagine doing something outside; kudos to you all for a great idea!

  6. Margaret Shaw says:

    Sarah is a beautiful Jewish woman! What a magnificent production and we wish we could visit your church.

  7. Guerrina Waters-Hernandez says:

    The Resurrection dance would surely bring me to my knees! Amazing costume! Let us know how to order a dvd! Would love to watch with my grandson!

    • Becky says:


      So happy you enjoyed the photos of resurrection dance!

      You can order a DVD through PayPal by sending $13 (includes postage) to Or send a check for same amount (written to Manteo First Assembly) to Manteo First Assembly, 812 Wingina St., Manteo, NC 27954.

  8. Lesley says:

    DVDs?! Can we order one? It looks like the production will be wonderful. Who knew there was so much talent in one little spot on the coast of NC?

    • Becky says:


      I’m always amazed that we do this production with a congregation of only 100 people. Thankfully we have some help from a couple other churches and Dare Challenge.

      You can order a DVD through PayPal by sending $13 (includes postage) to Or send a check for same amount (written to Manteo First Assembly) to Manteo First Assembly, 812 Wingina St., Manteo, NC 27954.

  9. Jan Reuther says:

    The production looks amazing! It’s hard to believe that these are not professional actors and actresses, but people who have lives apart from the show; the have jobs and families and responsibilities that need tending. I don’t wear hats, but if I did my hat would be off to each and every one of them.

    Sarah’s energy will be sorely tested; I’m sure she’s up to her tasks and running, and I’m sure she’ll do it all with that big smile of hers.

    Finally, I can’t help it, it needs to be said: I see, you see, Sarah see Pharisee Sandals. (No, really, I tried to stop myself but I just couldn’t!)

    • Becky says:


      Your comment about the actors having lives and jobs is so true. The majority of them got up early Monday and Tuesday, worked all day, and then headed straight to the church for costumes and make up. I am amazed by their dedication and enthusiasm.

      And the “you see, I see” thing was quite witty. Love it! 🙂

  10. beckylp says:

    beautiful pictures. let me know again how to get the video
    last years was awesome – someday I hope to see it in person
    final message – is exactly RIGHT!

    • Becky says:


      As a photographer, it is a great treat to get to take photos of beautiful things–and this drama sure fit the bill.

      You can order a DVD through PayPal by sending $13 (includes postage) to Or send a check for same amount (written to Manteo First Assembly) to Manteo First Assembly, 812 Wingina St., Manteo, NC 27954.

  11. Shawn says:

    What a wonderful production and so nice that your family works so great together. You have such a talented daughter! I can see a lot of work goes into this. Again I love all of your pictures. Thanks for sharing with us. Have a wonderful weekend and take care!!

    • Becky says:


      You’re sure right that a lot of work goes into something like that–thousands of hours of investment for just three hours of performance. But it is so rewarding and fulfilling to be a part of something like that, that the work is a joy! Glad you enjoyed the photos.

  12. LeeAnne says:

    I wish that I lived closer. I would love to see this production!! You all will, no doubt, touch and change lives. 🙂

  13. Mary H says:

    Beautiful. What a magnificent production.

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