Left To Our Own Devices

May 5, 2014

Since this blog was all about colonoscopies last week, I couldn’t resist sharing this with you. 
Is that funny, or what?


Sarah has been feeling fairly well since Thursday’s colonoscopy, although we did have to cancel her Senior Portrait session at late notice on Saturday afternoon; she was feeling weak and wobbly and looking a bit pale. I know that all the Photoshopping in the world can’t make someone look like they feel well when they don’t. Thankfully, our photographer was very understanding when I called and we rescheduled the session for later this week.

In other Smith news, Steve left for Charlotte yesterday right after our morning service so that he could have dinner with his family to celebrate his mom’s 80th birthday. 

Happy Birthday, Vernie!  You’re an amazing—and beautiful—mother-in-law!  I’m so glad I had the sense to choose a  husband with such a great mom.


With Steve gone, Sarah and I were left to our own devices. I decided to take a luxurious Sunday afternoon nap with Lady Summer, our Designated Napper.

Following the nap, Sarah and I thought we should go outside and enjoy the absolutely stupendous weather we’ve been having so we drove over to nearby Festival Park and did some walking around.






We also did some sitting around.



And then I did some falling in love—with this tree and the sunlight streaming through its flowers.



And since I hardly ever post pictures of myself, I had Sarah snap a few of me.  (Even though my hair was still poking out from my nap.)




We followed our Festival Park Meanderings with a visit to a local ice cream shop and then drove around Manteo for a while, exploring little out-of-the-way neighborhoods we’d never been in before.

When left to their own devices, we Smith Women really know how to party!

12 comments so far.

12 responses to “Left To Our Own Devices”

  1. Ruth says:

    relaxing and taking life slow, without guilt…. for pausing and breathing deep and seeing life bloom around you; is a very rich and sweet gift for any human being to dwell in, daily. Ruth

  2. It is so beautiful out your way! Andddddddd……..your pictures are always “on point”!!! Glad Sarah is doing well.

    • Becky says:


      Well, I don’t know what it means to take “on point” pictures but I’m assuming it’s a good thing! 🙂 And yes, things are truly beautiful on the Outer Bank right now; my favorite season.

  3. deb mantik says:

    Vernie is the best looking 80 I’ve ever seen–love that sweet lady! Glad Steve got to be with her and you ladies got to enjoy a golden afternoon.

    love deb

  4. Mrs. Pam says:

    I’ll guess crabapple or cherry… can’t really see the flowers well enough.
    I love spring and seeing all flowers coming up or being planted. I used to have THE most beautiful gardens… about 1/3 of my yard. Lil Lucy (my toy poodle) and I would spend several hours every morning weeding and watering, (and just sitting and looking.) Alas, I can no longer do that.

    I know Sarah will look beautiful in her senior portrait.

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, VERNE! My chiropractor told me this morning that yesterday it was his birthday. also, I told him, my cocker Rusty’s b-day. Rusty was mine for 14 years, starting in first grade.

    • Becky says:

      Mrs. Pam,

      Well, at least you HAVE a guess as to the tree’s identity; I wouldn’t even know where to start! I know you miss your gardening days but at least you can be warmed by the gardening memories.

      Sounds like May 4th is a special day for people other than Vernie!

  5. Becky says:


    What a great idea to bring a garden indoors! I am sorry to say I do not garden at all; the very thought of it overwhelms me. I so admire those who do garden; It seems like it would be such a rewarding and even therapeutic thing to do.

    I don’t know what kind of tree it was that I took those photos of; I was wondering the same thing. It was just so lovely with the sun shining on it.

    Sending spring-y thoughts your way!

  6. Karen Cathey says:

    Sounds like a good mother-daughter afternoon. Vernie was mentioned in our church celebrations as having a BIG birthday – Ken would not answer when asked about the number. He is a very wise (and lucky!) man. Vernie is just so beautiful and could easily pass for 70, if not younger! The good thing is that she is very beautiful inside as well.

    • Becky says:


      I was thinking the same thing when I looked at the photo I posted; she does NOT look like she’s eighty! And yes I agree, Ken is a wise man! 🙂 Glad they mentioned her birthday at church.

  7. jenna hoff says:

    I hope Sarah feels all better soon- it looks like you had a lovely mother daughter time yesterday. I like the photos of you- I think it shows your character and calm, contemplative personality. Also- that tree is beautiful! I’ve never seen one like it around here- do you know what kind of tree it is? I cannot wait for our trees to start blooming. All our trees are still bare branched, although the grass is slowly turning green!! I was so excited because on Friday all of a sudden buds appeared on many trees! However, all weekend it snowed- hopefully spring will really arrive soon here! My fingers are itching to get some seeds and plants in the garden! Do you garden much Becky? I am such a lover of greenery that i converted a little tiny sunroom in our house to a plant room and now I can grow little plants and enjoy “gardening” indoors all year long!

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