October 22, 2018

Pirates and Potatoes. Pulmonologists and Perigrinating.

We spent last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in Myrtle Beach, SC at our annual Minister’s Retreat.…

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October 15, 2018

The Naysaying Nutritionist

I sat in the doctor/nutritionist’s office and did my best to absorb what she was saying. “No gluten. No dairy.  No sugar.”  (My three favorite foods in the world have to do with bread, cheese, and desserts.)…

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October 8, 2018

The Rest of the Story.

The high resolution chest C.T. results finally arrived and the short story is although I do have some nodules in my lungs, there doesn’t seem to be anything that needs immediate attention. There are a couple of issues that will need some follow-up, though. Since I have only read the report and not discussed it with a doctor, that’s the best summary I can come…

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October 1, 2018

The Many Sides of Sarah. An Old/New Friend.

Sarah was home from school this weekend. She had been away for a month which seemed like 79,000 years to me but that’s in Mama Years. I hope you appreciate the great framing of this photo; I made sure to include little stashes of junk on either side of her, just to let her beauty shine through more. As always, she and I have so…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

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