November 25, 2019

Meander Mode. Waterfront Calm. Dare Challenge Week.

Well, it’s Thanksgiving Week which means we’ll be hosting the eighth annual Dare Challenge dinner at our house. (If you want to read about the past dinners, go to the search window at the top of the page and type in “Dare Challenge.”)…

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November 18, 2019

The Weight of the World

As most of you know, Steve is usually is up to his elbows in interesting projects and last week was no different. Here are a few project photos. Ever feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders? I am actually not going to tell you right now what he is going to do with the world; I will let you know…

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November 11, 2019

The Thing Post (November 2019)

It’s time once again for a Thing Post which means I feature a variety of topics that don’t make up a post by themselves but are still worth sharing.…

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November 4, 2019

Doctors, Duke, and Kleenex.

Steve and I drove to Duke University Medical Center last Monday so I could see the Rheumatology Department Chief. It comforted my heart to know that I was seeing the top tier guy at a top tier hospital because my medical history has been a bit complex over the years.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

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