November 2, 2020

Gage’s Visit. Wisconsin, Part 3

We are just finishing up a wonderful three-day visit with Sarah’s boyfriend, Gage. On Halloween, they decided to go out to eat dressed up as a couple from the Pixar short film called Paperman.…

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October 26, 2020

Wisconsin Part 2

Before I get started on part two of our Wisconsin trip, let me tell you what’s going on with the Floridian Smiths. These pictures may give you a clue.…

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October 18, 2020

Wisconsin Part 1

Whenever we take a trip out of state, the resulting stories have to be divided into more than one post so as not to cause you wonderful readers to glaze over halfway through reading a million (or two) words.  Therefore, herewith is Post One. The last time the three of us flew together was when Noah was born, seven years ago.  Speaking of which, may…

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October 12, 2020

Andy, Barney, and PFTs

You may recall that about two months ago, I had a PFT that showed a 15% drop in one of the most important values.  My pulmonologists get upset if there is a drop of 10% over the course of a year, so a bigger drop in a few months was definitely not causing any pulmonologists to dance any jigs.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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