October 11, 2021

Wisconsin 2021 (Part 1)

So where did our plane trips take us last week?…

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October 4, 2021

The Thing Post (October 2021)

THING ONE Sarah and Gage took a little road trip Sunday and are boarding an airplane tomorrow.  Tomorrow, Steve and I are also flying out. The four of us are going to two (sort of) separate places–except they’re sort of the same, too.  (Are you confused yet?) Details to follow.…

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September 27, 2021


After spending half an hour getting some of my medical history, my new pulmonologist stood up from his stool and said, “Let me listen to your lungs and then I’ll tell you what I think is going on.” …

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September 20, 2021

Chicken Salad and Popcorn Glasses

I was mentioning to Steve last Tuesday that I sure wished I didn’t have to wait till the middle of October for my pulmonology appointment at UNC.…

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