January 14, 2012

A Small-ish Smithellaneous Experiment

I write long posts.  (No surprise there.) I also include a lot of pictures.  (No surprise there, either!) And so if you happen to be gone from Smithellaneous for a few days and want to catch up on what you’ve missed, you have to do a whole lot of scrolling to get through all the content that was added in your absence.  Now I realize…

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January 13, 2012

Recipe For An Ecclesiastical Disaster

Back in November, we attended a Thanksgiving Community Service held at a local church in Manteo. Sarah and I made our way into the back of the jam-packed sanctuary and wedged ourselves into the few remaining seats as Steve went and joined the other participating pastors.  I stuffed my coat under the chair, settled my Mom Purse at my feet and opened the bulletin to…

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January 12, 2012


I hopped on my bike this morning and cheerily pedaled my way into the crisp, clear, just washed-by-rain morning.  I actually met Steve coming back the other way on the bike path so we high-fived each other (in transit) while I yelled, “Hey!  You wanna get married?” …

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January 11, 2012


I had someone leave a comment saying  they had to click on “Read More” in order to read the comments.   I went and tried it and sure enough, it did make the comments show up after scrolling all the way through the post again.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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