March 5, 2012

The Recalcitrant Birthday Gal. And The Cake Kisser.

I am a quiet, behind-the-scenes person who does not suffer spotlights gladly and does not really love parties, especially if I have to be the focus of attention.  So when Steve sat me down two weeks ago and asked what I would like to do for my 50th birthday,  I was ready with a stunning plan.  “Well, we could just order in a pizza and…

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March 2, 2012

Quick Friday Night Post

Today has been incredibly busy and I just now had a chance to sit down and read  (and respond) to the comments from today.  You all are so much fun to hang out with and I love that you share your wisdom and humor in equal amounts! I am now headed for bed (Yes, it’s only 8:18 pm, but when you’ve been AARP-ed, you’re allowed…

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Wednesday afternoon, I made my cheery little trip to the mailbox and innocently opened it, only to be alarmingly confronted with a startling sight. It was an AARP card!…

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February 29, 2012

Have To. Get To. Snowy. Fifty

Every once in a while, I like to point you all in the direction of another blogger who has especially impacted me by something he or she has written. One recent post from a favorite blogger, Michael Hyatt, has really stuck with me ever since I read it.  He simply said that his entire outlook of life changed when he started switching out one simple word…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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