April 4, 2012

A Snowy Report.

This morning when Snowy still wasn’t noticeably better I called the vet for an appointment.   While waiting to take him in I looked up “Canine Cough” on the Interet and then discussed with Steve what Snoyw’s kind of bad cough could indicated in a dog of his age, and with his liver, kidney and heart issues. Suffice it to say, I was in tears just ten seconds into the…

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April 3, 2012

Snowy Update

We don’t have Internet at home right now (our router bit the dust) so it’s a little harder to keep up to speed with replying to comments and letting you know how Snowy is doing. We ended up not taking him to the vet today after all because as the morning went on, his coughing thing lessened a little although he’s still doing it some. Thankfully, he started using the bathroom fairly…

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Sick Snowy. Wedding House Sunrise.

Before getting to today’s post I just wanted to mention that we’ll be taking Snowy into the vet in a little while. For the past couple of days, he’s been making a coughing/choking sound and today it has gotten a whole lot worse; he’s probably coughed 150 times already this morning.  He’s also drinking a lot and not urinating like he should which of course brings up all of our old concerns about…

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April 2, 2012

The Kleenex Box

I was just thinking this morning that we are about six weeks away from Sarah’s 10-Year Diagnosis Anniversary. (May 17, 2002.) And it occurred to me as I looked back over these past years that when you have a child who is diagnosed with cancer, you don’t just deal with the trauma of the original diagnosis day. You also have to survive the countless follow-up…

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Twenty years.

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