May 15, 2012

Wild Anniversary Adventure (Day 2)

The second day of our Wild Anniversary Adventure (which is more exciting-sounding than 30th Anniversary Getaway) was spent in Edenton, NC, which has been voted the South’s Prettiest Town.…

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Wild Anniversary Adventure (Day 1)

Five months ago, Steve and I celebrated thirty years of marriage. Our plan was to get away for a few days to celebrate, but busy pastoral schedules aren’t always the easiest things to arrange to accommodate getaways.  But finally, we have made it happen. We are away.  We are gone. We are celebrating!…

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May 13, 2012


Fifty-five years ago today, a young Air Force wife gave birth to a brand new human being named Steven Kever Smith. Here is  the very cute Sir Smith on very first birthday.   Since then, he’s had 54 more.…

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May 10, 2012

Water And Sky.

 Yesterday. Bike ride. Water and sky. …

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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