July 3, 2012

The Patient Is Home! Also, Andy Griffith.

Snowy rode home from the doctor on his dad’s lap; he was rather loopy when he arrived.…

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Snowy Surgery Report

Heard from the vet that Snowy did great in the surgery; we will pick him up once he wakes up a little bit more. The growth on his back came off without any issues and the fabulous news is that it was not cancer! Woo-hoo! He also had his teeth cleaned while he was asleep and four teeth pulled so he will probably need a lot…

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Snowy Goes To College (Part 3)

  Snowy went into surgery about 8:30 this morning; I don’t know when we’ll hear anything. In the meantime, thanks to everyone who has left a comment to let us know you are thinking of our white fluffy macho doggie. And in honor of that doggie, I thought I would post the third edition of the Snowy Goes To College series.  It just soothes my…

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July 2, 2012

Snowy Going For Surgery

Today has been absolutely crazy wild (and slightly stressful) in a whole bunch of different ways, but the thing that has emerged from the craziness the most is that we just found out that Snowy will need surgery first thing tomorrow morning. When we got back from our Wisconsin trip we noticed a spot on his back that had grown quite a bit in our…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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