July 30, 2012

The Dog With Nine Lives

I talked with the vet a couple of hours ago and her exact words were, “That little guy of yours scared me to death; I thought for sure he wasn’t going to pull through this!” She went on to explain once again that the only reason she was even willing to prescribe the hard-on-liver meds that she did was because the only other option was…

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A Turn For The . . . . Better?

Truthfully, I woke up this morning prepared for the worst, because over the past week, the first glimpses of Snowy coming out of his kennel each morning have been more tear-producing than just about any other sight.…

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July 29, 2012


Another up and down day.  After church, Snowy did great hanging out with the house full of 25 guests we had for lunch. Then toward the end of the afternoon, he went back into trembling, suffering mode. We have one pain pill left.  That’s it.  I’m really afraid of what happens what that one is gone.  I guess tomorrow will tell.…

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July 28, 2012

Saturday’s Snowy Report

It seems like every morning, I think that Snowy should be put to sleep and every afternoon I think it’s the worst idea ever. Today was no exception.  He was stiff and filled with pain when he first got up and even ninety minutes after his pain pill and steroid, he yelped loudly a couple of times, even when no one was touching him. (Just…

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