August 10, 2012

Family Night and Watermelon.

Note:   My commenting system is continuing to have little hissy fits and most of the time, will not let me to reply to comments that come in.  So I’m not ignoring you–I’m just not able to respond at the moment.  Tech guy is still working. (Fingers crossed.) As I’ve mentioned before, if you are new around Smithellaneous and are beginning to wonder if all…

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August 9, 2012

Snowy’s Thursday Check In

We’re continuing to wean Snowy off his med’s.  As several of you mentioned in the comments, the steroid is the most complicated one because that can’t be taken away all at once.  We’ve gone from 2-3 times a day (for his three most recent meds) down to just once a day and so far, he is doing fairly well.  The first day we started it…

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August 8, 2012

A Preacher’s Southern Exposure

Steve is a frequent customer at our local Ace hardware store and when I say frequent, I mean that they occasionally threaten to present him with own red employee vest. He loves going in there for two reasons:  1) the staff is friendly and they all know his name  2) there is a whole bunch of guy stuff in there.  (Steve loves nothing more than…

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August 7, 2012

A Sarah-esque Photo Shoot.

Sunday night, Sarah and I had a spontaneous mother/daughter outing.  The ocean-washed air was soft and clear and  was laced with a message to all photographers: Come outside!  Bring your cameras!  Shoot! Now I’ve never been one to disobey the commands of ocean-washed air, so I grabbed my camera and my own personal photo subject and she and I made our leisurely way to the…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

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