September 6, 2012

Three Helpful Garage Cleaning Tips. (Plus A Necessary Tattoo.)

A few weeks ago, Steve and I embarked on our  “Whenever We Feel Like It Which Isn’t Very Often” Garage Cleaning and Organizing Ritual.   As always, it provided us with a morning of riotous fun.  (I kid.) And it wasn’t like our garage needed cleaning, or anything.  We always keep our belongings in the sort of perpetual order and cleanliness that would cause any…

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September 4, 2012

Morning Story.

This morning, I went out on my bike.   My camera came along. I decided to break some new photographic ground and take a picture of . . . my feet.     I know, I know.  I’m really rockin’ the whole “running shoes with plaid shorts” look.  (Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.)…

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Gone. Missing.

Today I miss this guy. …

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September 2, 2012

Who’s Drivin’ What?

When I glanced out the front doors of our church this morning, I spotted this zippy, red Mustang parked in its usual place.  Although I am not a car-noticer by nature (the way my dear husband is), I always make a point of noticing this particular car and I always make a point of smiling a little whenever I see it. And why would that…

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