August 20, 2012

Snowy: The Infirm Intimidator.

Note:  Since we’ve all shared so many Snowy tears recently, I thought we could use a smile today instead. So here’s a story for you to enjoy about Snowy’s final grand adventure.    When Snowy started getting sick, I noticed that his discomfort seemed to ease a little whenever I let him lie on the cool, soft grass in our front yard.  Whenever he was…

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August 17, 2012

Animals We Have Loved

Today, in between short cries and long naps,  I’ve been working on a post about Snowy’s big, scary, funny adventure that he inadvertently embarked on earlier this week.   Tentatively called, “Snowy: The Infirm Intimidator,”  I promise it will make you smile. Although I have another story or two from Wednesday to share (mostly about his little funeral), I figured I would wait on that…

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August 16, 2012

The Center of the Circle

I got up around 5 am and as soon as I had given Snowy all his meds, I carried him out to the porch swing and held him close to my chest for about thirty minutes as together we shared a lovely, peaceful rising of the dawn. Because of the heavier meds, for one of the first days in a long time, his whole body…

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Sharing Our Tears.

Thank you so very much for the hundreds of messages, prayers, and encouragements that have come our way over the past twenty-four hours.   We are living in a much emptier house with much emptier hearts but we are so touched to know that in this time of Snowy-less transition, so many are thinking of us. In the next few hours, I hope to write…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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