September 18, 2012


Today our beloved, funny, serious, crazy,  mature, hilarious, sensitive, wild, compassionate son turns twenty- three.   (Even though that is biologically impossible since I’m not old enough to have an adult son.) Here are a few pictures to celebrate the son who made me a mom for the first time and has given me so much joy.…

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September 17, 2012

Summer Story

Before I get into today’s post, here is something to whet your curiosity. What is this man doing?  And why I am I taking his picture?  Details in the next post.…

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September 16, 2012

What Does A Preacher Do . . .

What does a preacher do . . .…

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September 14, 2012

A Fur Friend Found. A Human Friend Lost.

A Fur Friend, Found. As you can tell, it was a stressful evening at the Smith home last night. …

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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