September 11, 2012

Dusty Sunday.

Sunday afternoon, after I’d had my requisite post-morning service, mid-afternoon nap,  I happened to take a little gander at the dresser in our bedroom.  And that simple little gander turned into an all out, full-fledged spate of housekeeping horror. My dressers! They were dusty!  Dismayingly, discouragingly, disconcertingly dusty.…

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September 10, 2012


Friday night, my camera and I sallied forth on the boardwalk that runs along the waterfront near the downtown area of Manteo.     We saw boats and flowers and grass and beauty of so many varieties.  We saw a sun shining and a sun setting. We wound our way around the curves and corners of the boardwalk, reveling in the unmistakable, inimitable smells and…

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September 7, 2012

Moments of Gray

Last week, I rode my bike up to the north bridge around sunset hoping to catch some sun-setting loveliness.  Unfortunately, all the usually present tinges of rose, mauve and gold seemed to be on strike for the day and I was mostly left with a sad little pallet of non-present pinks and ungolden grays. Bummer.…

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September 6, 2012

Three Helpful Garage Cleaning Tips. (Plus A Necessary Tattoo.)

A few weeks ago, Steve and I embarked on our  “Whenever We Feel Like It Which Isn’t Very Often” Garage Cleaning and Organizing Ritual.   As always, it provided us with a morning of riotous fun.  (I kid.) And it wasn’t like our garage needed cleaning, or anything.  We always keep our belongings in the sort of perpetual order and cleanliness that would cause any…

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