October 30, 2012

All The Joys of the Boondocks

Storm Update:  Today we have blue skies and the sun is shining. What a glorious sight! The flooding overnight on Roanoke Island was not quite as bad as expected but we still have many hundreds of people in our community who will be recovering for a long time. Continuing to pray for those who are still in the midst of the storm.   Last Friday,…

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October 29, 2012

Spoke a Little Soon . . .

Looks like I spoke a little too soon when I said the worst of the storm was behind us.  From what I’m hearing now, we are expecting a storm surge at about 8 pm tonight that will turn a lot of sodden, half flooded areas into real floods. Here is what downtown Manteo looked like this afternoon; a storm surge from the nearby sound is…

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The Girdle. And The Storm.

The Girdle. Since Summer is a lady dog (unlike her predecessor who was All Boy), she has now added to her list of life experiences the joy of wearing a girdle-like garment: the Thundershirt.  (By the way, the Thundershrt did an amazing job of keeping her calm during the storm.)…

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October 28, 2012

Our Neighbors of the Ocean

I did make it to my weekend getaway in the woods despite the storm and am home now, watching the wind and the rain and the fury from my comfy recliner, with Summer tucked in beside me. Thankfully she has done well so far; we bought her a Thundershirt and she has stayed quite calm most of the time, with a few episodes of shaking…

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It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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