November 8, 2012

A Pillow Pal Named Snowy

Today Summer is going for her first grooming appointment.  (And yes, we are going to have her toenails painted–an elegant silver color because she’s just not a hot pink kinda gal.) When the groomers called yesterday to remind me of her appointment, I was somewhat taken aback when they mentioned “Summer’s appointment” instead of “Snowy’s appointment.”  I was silent for several seconds while I tried…

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November 7, 2012

7 Smart Tips For Organizing Your Kitchen

Every once in a while, the Organizing Bug bites me and I feel compelled to launch into a major project. Just last week I pulled out all sorts of items from all sorts of drawers and cabinets, went through them and returned them to their rightful places where they could continue to live their kitchen-esque lives in an orderly and organized manner. In the process, I…

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November 6, 2012

A Beautiful Daughter. A Beautiful Place.

I am working on a fascinating, scintillating, exhilarating post on kitchen organization (try to stifle your enthusiasm) but have just realized I am not going to get it finished this morning. And so I shall re-share with you a few favorite pictures of my favorite daughter who lights up my life in a hundred different ways.   (I also love these photos because of the beautiful…

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November 5, 2012

Patriotic Flags. A Dancing Parson.

Over the past few weeks, I have spent about fifty hours (in addition to my other church duties) assisting in a Salute To Veteran’s Event hosted by our church.…

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