November 21, 2012

A Shining Armored, Wax-Removing Expert Kind of Guy.

Once upon a time (about a year ago), in a kingdom far away (actually, our house), we  invited some friends (and their whole passel of children) over for dinner. Somewhere in the course of Our Festive Banquet, the Royal Table got bumped and a couple of candles that had burned too far down did what all self respecting candles do when jostled—they spilled their copious…

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November 20, 2012

Another Mother’s Nathan. And a Helpful Thanksgiving Tip.

Since none of our extended family will be able to make it to Manteo for Thanksgiving, we have decided to once again host the men who live at Dare Challenge, a nearby residential substance abuse program. If you weren’t hanging out around Smithellaneous last year at this time, you can go here to read my account of Thanksgiving a year ago when nine men came…

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November 19, 2012

A Strange Couple. A Cute Pastor. A Sarah Video.

I posted last year about the Community Thanksgiving Service we attended and guess what?  Thanksgiving just happens to be coming around again this year and so we attended another Community Thanksgiving Service. The thing I truly, truly love about these gatherings is the variety of people who attend and the even bigger variety of people who are on the platform.…

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November 16, 2012

Butterscotch Casserole

When I was looking through my pantry this week, I realized I had a few items stashed away that really needed to be used up, specifically a graham cracker crust  that I unearthed from beneath a bag of potatoes. I studied the crust carefully and judged it to be of fairly recent vintage, doubtlessly made in this century, at least.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

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