January 17, 2013

Summer: The Co-BloggingDog.

Summer is never so happy as when it’s time for us to sit in “her” chair and write the blog.  Just like Snowy, her co-blogging dog predecessor, she takes her duties very seriously and applies herself diligently to her work.…

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January 16, 2013


When Sarah was around sixteen, we asked if she was interested in taking Driver’s Ed. She replied rather unequivocally that she was not. At that point in her life, the very thought of even sitting behind the wheel of a car gave her a severe case of the of heebie-jeebies which was a pretty clear sign to us that anything driving-related should be delayed.…

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January 15, 2013

Wear Purple Now

Here is a piece written by Regina Brett, 54, who is a columnist with The Plain Dealer in Cleveland, Ohio. She says, “To celebrate growing older, I once wrote the 42 lessons life taught me. It is the most requested column I’ve ever written.”…

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January 14, 2013

Mary H, Ann Martin, Nancy Irving, Guerrina, and Mrs. Pam!

And just why in the world did I make the names of random readers the title of today’s post? It’s because these wonderful ladies are my top commenters for 2012.  Here’s the breakdown:…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

You are welcome here.

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Commenting Superstars

  1. SueEllen (9)
  2. Patti (6)
  3. LeeAnne (5)
  4. Lisa L. from GA (5)
  5. Ellen W (4)
  6. sharynmcd (4)
  7. Carol Campbell (3)
  8. DeLynn (3)
  9. Fred & Lucy Johnson (3)
  10. Kaye Joyce (3)
  11. Ruth (3)
  12. Beth (2)
  13. catherine young (2)
  14. dmantik (2)
  15. Eswim (2)
  16. Gail Puckett (2)
  17. Hope (2)
  18. Jackie Gallop (2)
  19. Jan H Reuther (2)
  20. Marjie (2)

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