March 18, 2013

Crunch Week

And so it begins . . .Crunch Week. In preparation for our upcoming Easter production, we’ll have rehearsals Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. (Plus, Sarah had a rehearsal yesterday after church.)  To make things even more interesting, Steve has had two funerals in the past two days and we’ve had two groups of out-of-town friends visiting in the area. …

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March 15, 2013

Creator of the World’s Most Unappealing Repasts?

For the past couple weeks, our family has been in a veritable frenzy of franticness preparing for a large Easter production our church is doing next week.  Here’s a favorite shot that I took during a recent rehearsal.…

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March 14, 2013

Traffic for Tranquility (Part 2) Plus: A “Little Mama” Picture

If you read yesterday’s post, you’ll know that I spent my birthday puttering around the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, shivering in the cold and searching out photo ops. Before I show you my photos though, let me show you a couple aerial shots that I found on the web so that you can see the scope of the place where I was driving.  I took…

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March 13, 2013

Traffic For Tranquility (Part 1)

On my birthday last week, I told Steve I wanted to have a Me Day which basically means I just get into the car and drive off to wherever I want to go and do whatever I want to do. No big plan, no big schedule—just the lovely lure of intentional meandering.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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