March 25, 2013

The Family That Does Makeup Together . . .

The first performance of our Easter production last night went great with a packed house and an enthusiastic response. I had a very small crowd scene role before singing a solo. I’ve never sung barefoot before but it was sort of a fun change of pace.  (And much more comfy than heels, I assure you!)…

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March 22, 2013

The Last Night

I had a whole memory card full of pictures which I was planning to write a post around. However, when I put the card in my computer, no pictures emerged. Since I had just looked at the pictures (on my camera) before going to bed last night, I figured that some weird thing had happened overnight and they had erased themselves. So I downloaded Recuva…

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March 20, 2013

New Lens. Bokeh Fun. Happy Day.

Ever since I got my Nikon eighteen months ago, I’ve had the goal of eventually being able to purchase a prime (non zoom) lens to complement the two “kit lenses” that came with the camera. A few weeks ago, my new 35 mm prime lens was finally delivered to our house. Oh happy day.…

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March 18, 2013

Crunch Week

And so it begins . . .Crunch Week. In preparation for our upcoming Easter production, we’ll have rehearsals Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. (Plus, Sarah had a rehearsal yesterday after church.)  To make things even more interesting, Steve has had two funerals in the past two days and we’ve had two groups of out-of-town friends visiting in the area. …

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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