February 20, 2014

Apples. Romance. Shower Cleaning. And Niceness.

I like chocolate. And nuts. And apples. So to say that this was a perfect gift is an understatement of gargantuan proportions.…

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February 17, 2014

The Monsieur Smith Salon for Dogs

Hi. It’s Summer. The other night at dinner my mom said to my dad, “I was at the vet today picking up dog food and I saw a chart which said that Summer is already forty years old in people years.”…

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February 14, 2014

The Tea Neophyte

I am a late-in-life tea drinker.  It was about a year ago that I actually (finally) started to enjoy the taste of hot tea.  Since I have never been a coffee drinker (love the smell; hate the taste) I am thrilled to finally have a hot liquid I can so happily imbibe. I have settled on green tea (with orange passion fruit and jasmine) to…

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February 12, 2014

College Guy. Dog. Carrots

Need a smile today? I’ve pulled out one of my all time favorite, smile-inducing posts. Really and truly. I love this one. (I wrote this back when I still didn’t know what that mysterious shutter speed button thingy did so the pictures are a wee bit blurry.)  …

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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