March 9, 2014

(Not So Lovely) Pictures of a (Lovely) Birthday

I opted for quietness on my birthday. No big party. No big group of people. An introvert’s dream day. After sleeping in until 7 a.m., I puttered around happily on the computer for a while and then eventually got myself out the door to enjoy a (finally) sunshiney day–a day which followed two weeks of clouds, sleet, snow, rain and other variations of weather morosity.…

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March 7, 2014

I Like Old

I met a guy once who was twenty-three. He was ornery and stubborn and cemented in his ways. His outlook was sour, and he had already grown a dozen decades older than his childhood. When he and I parted ways I thought, “That young man is so old.”…

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March 5, 2014

Fifty-Two Is Coming! And A Rheumatologist Report.

This Saturday I will turn fifty-two. It seems a bit strange to think of turning fifty-two when yesterday I was just thirty. I know it is extra, ultra, uber cliché to ask this but I’ll ask it anyway,“Where in the world did my life go?”  It’s truly sobering to think that if I am blessed enough to live till I’m eighty, I’ve over two-thirds of…

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March 3, 2014

The Leanings of Love

The night before our family left to drive Nathan to Florida for his first year of college, he and I went out to run a few last-minute errands. Although I tried to act like it was just a regular night, I know that Nathan was aware of the swirl of my emotions–the sadness,  the joy, the pride, the tears teetering behind certain sentences as the…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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