June 6, 2014

Thrift Stores And An Alien Umbrella

Most people who know me know how much I love thrift stores. Not just love, but LOVE.  One of the most relaxing, fun things I can think of to do is gather up a few spare dollars and take myself off to one of my favorite stores and just putter around for an hour. I love knowing that around the next corner or on the…

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June 4, 2014

Playin’ and Singin’

I thought you might enjoy this one-minute clip of Steve and I performing a song I wrote when Nathan was about three years old. It’s called Rain of the Refreshing. If you’re wondering what in the world Steve is singing, it’s called a vocalized bass line.  He actually sings what a bass guitar would play if the song used instruments.  He’s always been able to…

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June 2, 2014

Merrily Through The Morning. And A Story of a Proposal

For about a week now, we have had the most blissfully lovely weather here on the Outer Banks. And for about a week now, I only been able to gaze mournfully at those mornings outside my window because I was too sick to go outside and enjoy them.…

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May 28, 2014

Sarah The Younger. Nathan The Older.

Last Thursday I had my monthly Orencia infusion and a couple of hours later I had a raging sore throat and a cough which has stuck with me for the past six days and was also joined by laryngitis, fatigue, weakness, and a double ear infection.  Because of feeling so wobbly and unwell, I have barely left the house except for one trip to my…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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