July 8, 2014

Grab the Moments

Do you all remember this post?  Well, today I’m going to do an update on it. Here is the picture that was the centerpiece of that post.…

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July 7, 2014

Family. Grad. Trump. Video.

A Few More Family Reunion/Grad Photos How do you know you have a lot of people in one’s house?   By the shoe pile, that’s how!  (Actually, this is only a partial pile; there was another pile in a nearby closet.)…

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July 4, 2014

Arthur! Arthur!

As hard as it is may be to believe, Steve, Sarah and I slept soundly through most of the night– even right when the hurricane was at its worst.  From what I can tell by Faceook posts from area friends, a lot of them were up almost all night so I’m grateful for a good night’s sleep in spite of the howling and the raging…

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July 3, 2014

How You Know When A Hurricane’s Headed Your Way

You know a hurricane has you in its sights when you see the following things . . . The local hospital (where I had to go for  blood work today due to elevated liver function) starts fastening shutters in place.…

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