August 28, 2014

A Three-Parted Post. (Includes a Recipe)

Is three-parted even a word? I guess it is now! Today’s post will feature a recipe, some pictures, and a video. So let’s get started.…

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August 25, 2014

Twice Baked Cakes and Nineteen Years.

Non-riotous. Quiet. Serene. Those are the three words that best describe Sarah’s 19th birthday last Saturday. Since we did a big party for her 18th birthday party, she requested that this year’s celebration include just Steve and me.…

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August 21, 2014

Goats and Kayaking.

Last Saturday I had to make an emergency 4-hour round trip to pick up Sarah’s college books. Although she had ordered them on time, there had been a snafu somewhere along the College Book Pipeline and instead of them being happily en route to us (as we had thought), they were instead lolling and languishing in a languid fashion on a college bookstore shelf two…

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August 19, 2014

College Girl!

Today is the day that marks Sarah’s first day of college!  Unfortunately I am in Greenville for my infusion (in fact I’m hooked up right now) so Steve was the one to drop her off at 9 a.m.  I’ve since heard back from them and her first class went great. …

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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