November 10, 2014

News, an Angel Dance, and Soldiers

Well, just to start your Monday off with some happy news, let me share that this little fella . . .…

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November 6, 2014

The Thisses and Thats of This Thursday

I’ll start off my list of Thursday Things with this lovely, sweet and cuddly face. What a little, loyal friend she has been to us all. Snowy would be proud.…

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November 3, 2014

Both Ends of the Journey

Good morning to Monday and a good morning to you! Today I’m finishing out my Florida trip stories, starting with the church service I attended with Meagan and Nathan who attend Garden Grove Church in Winter Haven, FL, which is pastored by Meagan’s parents.…

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October 31, 2014

A Young Jodi Foster?

This week I spent two days in bed with back pain and spasms necessitating heavy-duty muscle relaxers and pain meds. Then when I finally felt coherent enough to write a blog post, my computer spazzed out on me and I had to take it to the computer shop two days in a row.  Also, a large music/drama production is coming up at church in a…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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