January 19, 2015

A Little Weary and Befuddled

Edited to add:  Shortly after writing this post, I called the Breast Imaging Center where Sarah’s biopsies were done; I wanted to be sure they had written down correctly where the results were to be called into.  (Which would be our primary doctor here in Manteo.)  Their info is all correct. I then told the woman on the phone that it has been almost two…

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January 17, 2015

The Summer Smith Report on Sarah

 Summer here.…

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January 15, 2015

Choosing to Say

No news. The paper they gave us after the biopsy said that results could take two weeks. However, I have browsed through a few websites about core needle biopsies and read that a straightforward result should take 2-4 days, and a result needing more complicated testing could take up to ten days. …

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January 13, 2015


Something occurred to me yesterday afternoon that unsettled and unnerved me. I suddenly realized that since Sarah is now an adult, the doctor will be calling her with the biopsy results instead of Steve or me.…

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