January 23, 2015

The No-Cancer Smile. And Tears.

My quantities of energy and time seem to be having a competition with each other to see which one of them is at its lowest ebb today.  I think they both won.…

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January 21, 2015


It’s not often a wordy person like me struggles for words but today would be that kind of day. I’m feeling exhausted, happy, overwhelmed, thankful . . . and also a wee bit unwordy.  I guess it’s just a little too much to process right now.…

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January 20, 2015


After an interesting and very long day of phone calls and waiting, I eventually took myself to the doctor’s office, planted myself there, and said I wasn’t going to move until I heard something. I’ll go into the details of the day in another post but I didn’t want to take any more time before letting you know– Sarah does NOT have cancer!…

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The Face of Brave

No news yet.  Edited To Add:  After I had uploaded this post, I thought I would go ahead and call our local doctor’s office to see if something might have gotten overlooked there.  When I was put through to a nurse she said, “Oh, I thought I saw that come through yesterday!  Let me take a look.”…

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It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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