February 12, 2015

My Thumb and I

Today I had every intention of getting an inspiring blog post written for you  but my week has not been cooperative. At the risk of going into too many boring details, let me just say that I was sick in bed a couple of days with fatigue, fever, and sore throat. Then on Tuesday (when I was still feeling bad), I had to go to…

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February 9, 2015

Voluminosity. And Starting.

This is a pen nib necklace I gave to Sarah a while ago. And yes, it really is an actual nib from an actual pen. How cool is that for my Writer Girl?…

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February 6, 2015

Generational Juxtapositionings.

I wanted to share a few photos with you of our trip last week to Charlotte. Sarah prepared for our Charlotte arrival with a wee snooze in the car.…

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February 4, 2015

It’s A . . .

Last night, Meagan posted this photo on Facebook.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

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