February 19, 2015

Bright Place. Amazing Grace.

Joe had just died. He had died in his own home, in his own bed, just the way he had wanted. For several years, Joe had gone toe-to-toe with brain and lung cancer and the battle had finally come to an end. Now his cotton-white hair topped a lined face which was at perfectly at rest; his merry, mischievous eyes had closed for the last…

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February 14, 2015

An Oldie But Goodie (Video)

I just found this video I made for Valentines Day nine years ago. It was great fun to see how we all looked back in the olden days. Enjoy–and a very merry Valentines Day to you.  (I’ll have an official Valentines Day post coming on Monday.)…

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February 13, 2015

The Four People I’ve Met on Earth

You’ve heard of the book, “The Five People You Meet in Heaven?” Well, this post is about “Four People I’ve Met on Earth.” Seriously, folks. Steve and I get to meet some of the most amazing people in our line of work and I want to highlight a few of them, ending with the story I alluded to in an earlier post about the adopted…

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February 12, 2015

My Thumb and I

Today I had every intention of getting an inspiring blog post written for you  but my week has not been cooperative. At the risk of going into too many boring details, let me just say that I was sick in bed a couple of days with fatigue, fever, and sore throat. Then on Tuesday (when I was still feeling bad), I had to go to…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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