January 1, 2024

Phyllis, Stefanie, Patti, LeeAnne, Sharyn

Many thanks to my top commenters of 2023:  Phyllis (58) Stefanie (57), Patti (44), LeeAnne (41), and Sharyn, (40) The five of you make Smithellaneous a better place to be.…

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December 25, 2023

To Each of You

I know you’re probably busy with all manner of Christmas Celebratory Activities, so I won’t keep you long. Just wanted to share a few photos and wish you a Merry Christmas.…

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December 18, 2023

Obituary for a Ford

Is it crazy to get sentimental over a car? I mean, a car is just metal and rubber and glass. It’s just an engine, some brakes, and a steering wheel. How could those items possibly engender strong emotion?…

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December 11, 2023

Before and After. The Bedroom Edition.

Maybe you’re like me and love seeing before and after pictures–of makeup, hair, or house renovations.  If so, I have a before and after just for you! I mentioned a few months ago that we were redoing our main bedroom and I wanted to share the process. We aren’t all the way done because we haven’t added much to the walls or dressers but it’s…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

You are welcome here.

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Commenting Superstars

  1. SueEllen (9)
  2. Patti (6)
  3. LeeAnne (5)
  4. Lisa L. from GA (5)
  5. Ellen W (4)
  6. sharynmcd (4)
  7. Carol Campbell (3)
  8. DeLynn (3)
  9. Fred & Lucy Johnson (3)
  10. Kaye Joyce (3)
  11. Ruth (3)
  12. Beth (2)
  13. catherine young (2)
  14. dmantik (2)
  15. Eswim (2)
  16. Gail Puckett (2)
  17. Hope (2)
  18. Jackie Gallop (2)
  19. Jan H Reuther (2)
  20. Marjie (2)

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