September 18, 2015

Thrifty Style Series: Small Changes

This is the first post in my Thrifty Style Series.  I’m starting with a little background behind the series; if you want to go straight to the tips, just scroll down a little.) In 2010, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a bilateral mastectomy. In 2012, I turned fifty. In 2013, I became a grandma for the first time.…

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September 14, 2015

Mama’s Milk. Florida’s Milk.

Meagan just took this photo of Madi and I had to share it in all its cuteness. Madison has been the happy recipient of many gallons of her mama’s milk over the past three months and it shows. In those adorable chubby cheeks . . . it shows.…

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September 11, 2015

A Sweetie, A Beach and A Convertible

On Labor Day, Steve and I decided that we would cease and desist from our labors and go visit that large-ish body of water that we live rather close to—ye olde Atlantic. We decided that we would accomplish said visit in Steve’s Miata because what use is there in having this car . . . …

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September 7, 2015

Blog Down. Blog Up.

The blog has been down for the past couple of days so I’m extra thankful to have it up and running again and be able to do a post.  Somehow, I just feel a little discombobulated when Smithellaneous is not on the air.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

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