September 25, 2015

Two Videos and a Picture

Well, I promised you a video today and not only am I delivering on that promise, I am throwing in an extra video as a bonus If you don’t at least get a chuckle or two out of the first video, you must be a very non-chuckly person.…

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September 24, 2015

Love Circle. Burger King Crowns.

It’s still hard for me to believe that Nathan was even here last weekend. He showed up. We hung out. He left. And it all passed in the blink of an eye…

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September 21, 2015


  A week ago, Sarah told Steve and me that she wanted to take a little road trip on Friday, just to get more practice driving out of town on her own. We were like, “Well, sure, honey. That sounds like a great idea.” We never even thought twice about it. Well, we found out later that there was a big story behind that little…

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September 18, 2015

Thrifty Style Series: Small Changes

This is the first post in my Thrifty Style Series.  I’m starting with a little background behind the series; if you want to go straight to the tips, just scroll down a little.) In 2010, I was diagnosed with breast cancer and had a bilateral mastectomy. In 2012, I turned fifty. In 2013, I became a grandma for the first time.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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