December 31, 2015

Little Boy Behind the Shadow

We’ve been having a wonderful visit with Nathan and Meagan–apart from fact that it has rained most of the time they’ve been here and everyone except me has been sick to one degree or another.  In fact, Nathan, Meagan and Steve’s illnesses actually required visits to the doctor and courses of antibiotics. (As well as a shot of penicillin in the hindermost parts for Steve.)…

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December 28, 2015

Diapers and Smiles

Life’s been full of bottles and diapers and laughter and babies and energetic toddlers. (Not to mention Christmas!) So in lieu of a full-blown written post, here are some pictures to enjoy.  More later!…

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December 21, 2015

Sittin’. Pickin’. Grinnin’.

Last Friday afternoon, it was lovely to see this be-flowered beauty . . . …

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December 18, 2015


On the subject of Candlelight Communions Services, I also love this post which is about our first Christmas in Manteo when Nathan was home. Wednesday night was our annual Candlelight Communion Service which has become a special tradition in the six years we’ve been in Manteo .Enjoy the peaceful quietude of this wonderful season of worship.…

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It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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