January 12, 2016

Jungle Baby Shower. Tap Dance In My Dreams.

Scroll to the bottom of this post for some non-Jungle news. A couple of years ago, I did a post on a Dinosaur-theme baby shower I attended and, on a whim, posted it on Pinterest. I was amazed by the response which tells me that there are a lot of mamas and grandmas out there who are more than a little interested in decorating ideas…

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January 11, 2016

Transplant Anniversary. Last of the Photos.

I’d like start off by wishing Sarah a very happy 13th Bone Marrow Transplant Anniversary.  (Jan. 10.)  It’s really hard for me to believe it’s been that long! Yesterday she posted this photo and caption on Facebook:…

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January 8, 2016

Thrifty Style Series: Proportions and Alterations

Here is Post Number 5 in my Thrifty Style Series. (To see all posts in this series, just type Thrifty Style Series in the search window in the right column.)…

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January 4, 2016

Ann, LeeAnne, Mrs. Pam, Lesley, Jan

Top Blog Commenters The numbers are in!  Here are the Top Commenters for 2015…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

You are welcome here.

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  1. SueEllen (11)
  2. Patti (7)
  3. LeeAnne (6)
  4. Ellen W (5)
  5. Lisa L. from GA (5)
  6. sharynmcd (5)
  7. DeLynn (4)
  8. Ruth (4)
  9. Carol Campbell (3)
  10. dmantik (3)
  11. Eswim (3)
  12. Fred & Lucy Johnson (3)
  13. Kaye Joyce (3)
  14. Beth (2)
  15. catherine young (2)
  16. Dale Tousley (2)
  17. Gail Puckett (2)
  18. Hope (2)
  19. Jackie Gallop (2)
  20. Jan H Reuther (2)

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