August 8, 2016

Final Floridian Tales

Update on Sarah: Sarah just went back to the doctor for her third follow-up visit this summer concerning her unexplained weight loss. We were thrilled to find out that she has gained back about 5-6 pounds and while she has still not managed to reach the lowest “healthy” BMI number, she is at least moving in the right direction. We are exactly one week away…

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August 5, 2016

Thrifty Style Series: The Rear View and Flowiness

I have a couple more Florida stories to share but since I haven’t done a Style Post in a while, I wanted to feature one of those today. We’ll return to Florida (figuratively, not literally) next week.  I’ll start today’s style blog with a follow-up on a post I did last year when I featured this skirt. …

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August 1, 2016

Sweat and Guffaws

Since last Friday’s post was a slightly sparse in the the grand kid department, I am going to make up for that today. Before I do though, let me show you a photo of something I have never before witnessed: Summer sharing her space with another dog!…

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July 29, 2016

GirlSmiths at GrillSmith

If you are here looking for pictures of our cute grand kids, there are only two photos of them in this post. But take heart–the next one will have plenty!…

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