December 2, 2016

Duke Newletter. And Happy News.

Duke University Medical Center featured Sarah’s story this week in their inhouse newsletter which is sent out to about 25,000 Duke employees.  The story is below.…

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November 28, 2016

Dare Challenge Thanksgiving 2016

Before I start writing about our sixth year of hosting the Dare Challenge men for Thanksgiving, let’s start with a bit of painting-the-kitchen-induced messiness.  Because we just can’t truly appreciate a lovely space until we first see it in all of its disarray. …

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November 25, 2016

Where Seventeen Went

Holidays like Thanksgiving always remind me of generational shiftings.  We are all in constant flux, moving from season to season, even as we watch those around us do the same.   And when I think about those changes, my mind always goes to this favorite post of mine, “Where Seventeen Went.” I first wrote it seven years ago but every year that I reread it, it…

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November 21, 2016

Coughs, Art Deco and Egg Shells in the Paint

As you know, Thanksgiving will be here in three days which for most people means that it’s time to find the turkey platter, iron the tablecloth and make all things orderly.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

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