February 27, 2017


Sarah left at 6 a.m. to go back to school after a weekend at home. I have to say how impressed I was by her speedy prep time; it took her a mere 11 minutes to get from the ringing of her alarm clock to her walking out the front door, suitcase in hand.    (It takes me 11 minutes just to get my first…

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February 24, 2017

The Middle-Aged Mom and The Cool Guys

Monday I took my church keyboard to Norfolk for repairs. After my 2-hour journey (which included stopping by Regent to take Sarah to lunch), I pulled up in front of the store and went in.…

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February 20, 2017


I was going to title this post with something having to do to with miscellany, or miscellaneous, or some such thing. But then I got to thinking that word has been slightly overused so instead I am calling the post “Omnibus,”  which among other things means, “Comprising several items.”  …

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February 17, 2017

Sabina Speaks

Back in 1981, before Steve and I were married, we had the privilege of hearing a Romanian pastor named Richard Wurmbrand speak.…

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