September 18, 2017

Strangers to Friends to Family

These pictures/story are from our July trip to Wisconsin;  I just realized I hadn’t posted them yet. It was early evening and Steve, Sarah and I had been on the road since early morning. As a result, all of us were suffering from a severe case of what Steve likes to call,”T.B.”  (Tired Butt.)…

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September 11, 2017

Hurricanes, Cowboys, and Celebrations

First things first. The hurricane’s eye ended up passing right over Winter Haven where Nathan and his extended family were camped out at their church;  thankfully, they all made it safely through the night.…

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September 8, 2017

Wander Woman

Last week I had a last-minute chance to attend a four-day women’s retreat in Goshen, VA.  It was a fairly expensive event but I was given a scholarship to go, so I wasn’t about to turn down that down. Plus, it provided me with a road trip (about 850 miles total) so I was a happy camper on several fronts.…

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September 4, 2017


Last night I returned from four days in Virginia (more on that later) and then this morning, Sarah and I we were up early for a photo shoot for the magazine article that Duke is doing about us in October.…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

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