January 1, 2018

Ann, LeeAnne, Phyllis, Kari, Mel. And Florida, Part 2.

It’s time once again to honor my top five commenters of the year. They are:  Ann Martin: 95  LeeAnne: 89  Phyllis: 75  Kari: 70   Mel: 57. (This is the third year Ann has been number one!)…

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December 28, 2017

Aforementioned, Post-Hasted Grandchildren

I have a few posts to share about our Christmas trip to Charlotte and Florida. I am going to do them out of order though, and put the Florida post before the Charlotte post simply because we all know that grandkids need to be written about post-haste!…

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December 25, 2017


Good merry morning to you! Our 2017 Family Christmas Card.…

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December 21, 2017

The Spate of Momentary Mischievousness

We all went for a walk on Tuesday and as I was coming up behind my two kids and two grandkids I thought what a lovely juxtapositioning of the sibling generations it was.  I yelled ahead to Nathan and Sarah, “I am going to get some pictures of you with Noah and Madi.  Just keep walking the way you are.”…

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Twenty years.

It's hard to believe I've been blogging that long. Many of you have been following since the first word was written all those years ago. Thanks to both old-timers and newcomers for being part of our story.

My goal is for Smithellaneous is to be a place where strangers become friends.

You are welcome here.

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Commenting Superstars

  1. SueEllen (12)
  2. LeeAnne (7)
  3. Patti (7)
  4. Ellen W (6)
  5. Lisa L. from GA (6)
  6. sharynmcd (6)
  7. Fred & Lucy Johnson (5)
  8. Ruth (5)
  9. Carol Campbell (4)
  10. DeLynn (4)
  11. dmantik (4)
  12. Eswim (4)
  13. Steve Smith (4)
  14. catherine young (3)
  15. Kaye Joyce (3)
  16. Beth (2)
  17. Dale Tousley (2)
  18. Gail Puckett (2)
  19. Hope (2)
  20. Jackie Gallop (2)

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