February 2, 2018

Israel Detour

A little detour from posting about the Israel trip . . .…

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January 28, 2018

Israel. Part 1

(Edited to add on Feb. 25:   All the pictures in this post eventually made their way into one of the posts I wrote in the weeks following.  I am going to leave it up anyway since it captures my initial overview of the country.) I have just a very few minutes to get a post up so I’ll share some pictures with limited commentary.  We…

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January 22, 2018

Small and Mighty

Well folks. The time has come. Tomorrow we will travel 3 hours to Raleigh to board a flight at 5 p.m. to New York City. At midnight, we will get on an  EL AL flight and twelve hours later, we will land in Tel Aviv. (Which is seven hours ahead.) Then we’ll get on a bus to Jerusalem where we will check into the Olive…

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January 15, 2018

What’s Not To Love?

After a month spent winter breaking, Sarah headed back to school yesterday. …

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